Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Effects of Anthropogenic sound on Marine Mammals Research Paper

The Effects of Anthropogenic sound on Marine Mammals - Research Paper Example It is reasonable to presume that number of adaptive mechanisms has evolved in marine mammals to deal with natural sounds; however it is still uncertain to state that those mechanisms are sufficient to compensate for the comparatively recent advent of anthropogenic ocean noise. Different approaches are adapted by cetaceans that are far better than those developed by terrestrial species at averting or managing the problems created by masking. (Wright et al, 2007) Regardless of these adaptations, they still have limits to mask with this noise. Sound waves travel further than light in ocean, unfortunately influencing large area of marine mammals. Auditory capabilities have evolved to supplement and/or replace the use of vision for many marine animals. The main reason behind this is that light does not travel very far in water. Although the sound in the ocean environment is a feature of marine mammal habitat, yet marine mammals tends to choose their locations and alter their behaviour positioned on natural and anthropogenic sounds. (Hildebrand, 2005) .Depending on factors, some of which are species, individual, age, sex, initial exposure to noise, and behavioural state, marine mammals shows great variation in the response to noise. Sources of sound in the aquatic environment can be natural or man-made, but the natural sources are not studied in detail because they could not be controlled easily. Therefore, the focus shifts to the management of noise made by human contributions to the marine acoustic environment, in which sound plays important natural roles. Wide ranges of sound are produced by human activities. These sounds are referred to as Anthropogenic sounds. Concern is now growing towards the influence of noise from human activities on the marine life. Yet, there is a conflicting understanding on how these anthropogenic noises affects at the individual or population level. Characteristics of underwater sound,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Outlining Career Goals Essay Example for Free

Outlining Career Goals Essay For this unit, you will write a 3-5 page paper (excluding title and reference pages) summarizing what you have learned about your chosen profession so far. It should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and use proper APA citations. Be sure you use the Writing Center and ask your instructor any questions before the assignment is due. See below for details. Incorporating your reading and research thus far in the course, write a 3-5 page paper (APA style), excluding title and reference pages, regarding your chosen profession. Your paper should include the following sections: overview of the profession educational requirements including any relevant certifications or credentials current issues relevant to your profession, summary of your career goals, and where you see yourself in 5 years. Your paper should include an introduction, topic sentence, supporting statements for each paragraph, and a conclusion. You will be graded not only on the content but your writing and format. Please see the project rubric located in the course syllabus. Outlining Career Goals Keyanna Retic Kaplan University Depending upon the size of the facility, location, and specialty, duties of a Medical assistant may vary. Medical assistant specialty is to complete all clinical tasks and administrative tasks in hospitals, physician offices, and other health care clinics. Their duties may include taking a patients vital signs and history, arranging appointments for patients, helping the physician with examinations, following physician orders and administering injections, and preparing blood samples for testing. When obtaining all the patients information, it is important for Medical Assistants to keep the patients information private and is not to be discussed with anyone but other physicians who are involved with the patients. They work in clean environments and relate with the patients, doctors and other medical professionals. Medical assistants are very busy and are required to complete a certain amount of tasks on a daily basis. They usually work 40 hours a week but some may work only part-time. There are different types of Medical Assistants and different duties depending on where the Medical Assistant practices. There are three types of medical assistants: administrative, specialized, and clinical. Administrative medical assistants are basically responsible for organizing all information in the facility. Specialized medical assistants deal with assisting in operating rooms, x-rays, help doctors administer eye care, instruct on contact lens usage, and work in all other types of specialized treatment centers. Clinical medical assistants mainly assist the doctors in the examination room and perform duties such as, drawing blood, administer medication, vital signs, change dressings, prep patients for x-rays and keeping work environment clean. Medical assistants have to learn how to multi-task. Sponsors believe that medical assistants are required to complete duties in a short period of time and learn how to keep up with all patients that they take care of and keep all important information all in the same hour. It may take some time getting used to but it is all a part of becoming a medical assistant. They also have to learn how to respond to the patients and keep in mind of the patients beliefs. There may come a time when medical assistants have to deal with mean and rude patients or even patients that are in a lot of pain, but that is why the medical assistant is there and certified for. Knowing how to deal with certain patients and their pain levels is a big priority in the medical field, so the best thing is to just have a mindset of calm and collective thoughts. Having the love and mindset for this job will make things so much easier and fun. I like anatomy and physiology. I like to read medical information and having the love in the medical field will help things run smooth and happy. On the job training is a faster way to become a medical assistant and it is possible to start a career in medical assisting that way although many people prefer to go through a training program or receive appropriate education. Typical medical assistant training programs lead to a degree or certificate, and last one or two years, respectively (QuinStreet, Inc, 2003-2012). The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) is medical assistant programs that the medical assistants go through to receive internships at clinics or hospitals. Medical terminology, physiology and anatomy, medical law, ethics, and patient relations are medical courses to be taken upon medical training. Keyboarding, record-keeping, accounting procedures, and insurance processing are office training courses. First aid, laboratory and clinical procedures, and administering medications are taught to students in the program. But although there is no national licensing requirements, depending on the state that the medical assistant decides to work in, medical assistants may have to receive a license to complete certain duties. One of several agencies certifies medical assistants and it is very important to get certified if medical assistants decide to apply for entry level positions. My first priority in starting my career as a medical assistant is to become certified first. Setting goals is one of the best methods that I can do in order to achieve and become a medical assistant. As a medical assistant, a goal that I would like to accomplish is getting involved in activities such as the American Association of Medical Assistants. The AAMA offer education opportunities so that medical assistants can enhance their educational skills and it offers seminars to attend. Getting involved in programs can help lead to career improvements and getting involved is another goal I have set for myself to push me forward. I would also like to become certified in different fields. The more fields I am certified in, the more money I will make and have more job duties to perform. As I move forward in my career, I will make it my goal to push myself harder into taking on high quality task and responsibilities. I will work extra hard to get promoted and receive other opportunities in my field, like becoming office manager. I am prepared to learn new things and enhance my knowledge. If any opportunities come my way, I am open and acceptable to anything. I am willing to put forth effort my success and stay dedicated as a medical assistant. I can see a clear picture of myself in a physician’s office putting my knowledge to work and doing what I love which is helping others. I can see myself advancing and making everyone proud. I know that it will take some time for me to complete all that I need to but in the end it will be worth the wait. In 5 years I hope to settle into an office where I know I will retire from and be happy. But the main thing for me is, that I will go with the flow and according to my facility I work in. I will just have to make wise decisions and keep my head up. I will never settle for less and work really hard and accept everything that I know I deserve. If trials and tribulations get in the way, I know that I will need to keep pushing forward. Medical assistants have to learn how to multi-task. They are required to complete duties in a short period of time and learn how to keep up with all patients that they take care of and keep all important information all in the same hour. It may take some time getting used to but it is all a part of becoming a medical assistant. They also have to learn how to respond to the patients and keep in mind of the patients beliefs. There may come a time when medical assistants have to deal with mean and rude patients or even patients that are in a lot of pain, but that is why the medical assistant is there and certified for. Knowing how to deal with certain patients and their pain levels is a big priority in the medical field, so the best thing is to just have a mindset of calm and collective thoughts. Having the love and mindset for this job will make things so much easier and fun. I like anatomy and physiology. I like to read medical information and having the love in the medical field will help things run smooth and happy. References QuinStreet, Inc. (2003-2012). Healthcare careers: Your information resource for education, training, and schools in the medical and allied healthcare fields. Retrieved from Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Handbook, 2012-13 Edition, Medical Assistant, on the Internet at Sponsors. (n.d.). Medical assisting career job and training information. Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

EMMA,(Jane Austen) Miss Bates character analysis Essay -- essays resea

In the novel Emma, the author, Jane Austen, uses many different techniques to characterize Miss Bates as a woman with no intellect, but a very kind heart. Miss Bates in a humorous character who is loved and loving.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Austen’s diction is one such technique used to characterize Miss Bates. Miss Bates is a â€Å"contented† old woman with certain â€Å"cheerfulness† to her nature. Miss Bates always has good intentions and is always a happy, joyful woman. Her good will towards others makes her such a popular woman even though she has no husband and no physical beauty. Miss Bates had a splendid â€Å"simplicity† about her, and everyone in the town of Highbury enjoyed her â€Å"grateful† spirit. Miss Bates appreciates the small things in life, and never receives any satisfaction from fancy, frilly things. She likes to keep life simple and she is appreciative of every simple gesture bestowed upon her. Miss Bates very much enjoys the companionship of her friends and neighbours more than anything in the world. Miss Bates seems to most people in the town to be a â€Å"silly† old woman who was quite â€Å"poor†, but has many blessings in he r life. Not only does Miss Bates have her friends, she also has her mother and a wonderful home that wants for nothing. Miss Bates has a amiable personality that has helped her to become a popular woman.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jane Austen’s detail allows the reader to see another apparent character trait in Miss Bates, her lack of intelligence. ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

National Territory of the Philippines Essay

The Constitution of the Philippines (Filipino: Saligang Batas ng Pilipinas) is the supreme law of the Philippines. The Constitution currently in effect was enacted in 1987, during the administration of President Corazon Aquino, and is popularly known as the â€Å"1987 Constitution†.[1] Philippine constitutional law experts recognize three other previous constitutions as having effectively governed the country — the 1935 Commonwealth Constitution, the 1973 Constitution, and the 1986 Freedom Constitution.[2][3] Constitutions for the Philippines were also drafted and adopted during the short-lived governments of Presidents Emilio Aguinaldo (1898) and Josà © P. Laurel (1943). †¢Ã‚  Background of the 1987 ConstitutionIn 1986, following the People Power Revolution which ousted Ferdinand Marcos as president, and following on her own inauguration, Corazon Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3, declaring a national policy to implement the reforms mandated by the people, protecting their basic rights, adopting a provisional constitution, and providing for an orderly translation to a government under a new constitution.[4] President Aquino later issued Proclamation No. 9, creating a Constitutional Commission (popularly abbreviated â€Å"Con Com† in the Philippines) to frame a new constitution to replace the 1973 Constitution which took effect during the Marcos martial law regime. Aquino appointed 50 members to the Commission. The members of the Commission were drawn from varied backgrounds, including several former congressmen, a former Supreme Court Chief Justice (Roberto Concepcion), a Catholic bishop (Teodoro Bacani) and film director (Lino Brocka). Aquino also deliberately appointed 5 members, including former Labor Minister Blas Ople, who had been allied with Marcos until the latter’s ouster. After the Commission had convened, it elected as its president Cecilia Muà ±oz-Palma, who had emerged as a leading figure in the anti-Marcos opposition following her retirement as the first female Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. The Commission finished the draft charter within four months after it was convened. Several issues were heatedly debated during the sessions, including on the form of government to adopt, the abolition of the death penalty, the continued retention of the Clark and Subic American military bases, and the integration of economic policies into the Constitution. Brocka would walk out of the Commission  before its completion, and two other delegates would dissent from the final draft. The ConCom completed their task on October 12, 1986 and presented the draft constitution to President Aquino on October 15, 1986. After a period of nationwide information campaign, a plebiscite for its ratification was held on February 2, 1987. More than three-fourth of all votes cast, 76.37% (or 17,059,495 voters) favored ratification as against 22.65% (or 5,058,714 voters) who voted against ratification. On February 11, 1987, the new constitution was proclaimed ratified and took effect. On that same day, Aquino, the other government officials, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines pledged allegiance to the Constitution. Significant features of the 1987 Constitution The Constitution establishes the Philippines as a â€Å"democratic and republican State†, where â€Å"sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them†. (Section 1, Article II) Consistent with the doctrine of separation of powers, the powers of the national government are exercised in main by three branches — the executive branch headed by the President, the legislative branch composed of Congress and the judicial branch with the Supreme Court occupying the highest tier of the judiciary. The President and the members of Congress are directly elected by the people, while the members of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President from a list formed by the Judicial and Bar Council. As with the American system of government, it is Congress which enacts the laws, subject to the veto power of the President which may nonetheless be overturned by a two-thirds vote of Congress (Section 27(1), Article VI). The President has the constit utional duty to ensure the faithful execution of the laws (Section 17, Article VII), while the courts are expressly granted the power of judicial review (Section 1, Article VIII), including the power to nullify or interpret laws. The President is also recognized as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces (Section 18, Article VII). The Constitution also establishes limited political autonomy to the local government units that act as the municipal governments for provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays. (Section 1, Article X) Local governments are generally considered as falling under the executive branch, yet local legislation requires enactment by duly elected local legislative  bodies. The Constitution (Section 3, Article X) mandated that the Congress would enact a Local Government Code. The Congress duly enacted Republic Act No. 7160, The Local Government Code of 1991, which became effective on 1 January 1992.[5] The Supreme Court has noted that the Bill of Rights â€Å"occupies a position of primacy in the fundamental law†.[6] The Bill of Rights, contained in Article III, enumerates the specific protections against State power. Many of these guarantees are similar to those provided in the American constitution and other democratic constitutions, including the due process and equal protection clause, the right against unwarranted searches and seizures, the right to free speech and the free exercise of religion, the right against self-incrimination, and the right to habeas corpus. The scope and limitations to these rights have largely been determined by Philippine Supreme Court decisions. Outside of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution also contains several other provisions enumerating various state policies including, i.e., the affirmation of labor â€Å"as a primary social economic force† (Section 14, Article II); the equal protection of â€Å"the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception† (Section 12, Article II); the â€Å"Filipino family as the foundation of the nation† (Article XV, Section 1); the recognition of Filipino as â€Å"the national language of the Philippines† (Section 6, Article XVI), and even a requirement that â€Å"all educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors.† (Section 19.1, Article XIV) Whether these provisions may, by themselves, be the source of enforceable rights without accompanying legislation has been the subject of considerable debate in the legal sphere and within the Supreme Court. The Court, for example, has ruled that a provision requiring that the State â€Å"guarantee equal access to opportunities to public service† could not be enforced without accompanying legislation, and thus could not bar the disallowance of so-called â€Å"nuisance candidates† in presidential elections.[7] But in another case, the Court held that a provision requiring that the State â€Å"protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology† did not require implementing legislation to become the source of operative rights.[8] Historical constitutions Constitution of Biak-na-Bato (1897) The Katipunan revolution led to the Tejeros Convention where, at San Francisco de Malabon, Cavite, on March 22, 1897, the first presidential and vice presidential elections in Philippine history were held—although only the Katipuneros (members of the Katipunan) were able to take part, and not the general populace. A later meeting of the revolutionary government established there, held on November 1, 1897 at Biak-na-Bato in the town of San Miguel de Mayumo in Bulacan, established the Republic of Biak-na-Bato. The republic had a constitution drafted by Isabelo Artacho and Fà ©lix Ferrer and based on the first Cuban Constitution.[9] It is known as the â€Å"Constitucià ³n Provisional de la Repà ºblica de Filipinas†, and was originally written in and promulgated in the Spanish and Tagalog languages.[10] Malolos Constitution (1899) The Malolos Constitution was the first republican constitution in Asia.[11] It declared that sovereignty resides exclusively in the people, stated basic civil rights, separated the church and state, and called for the creation of an Assembly of Representatives to act as the legislative body. It also called for a Presidential form of government with the president elected for a term of four years by a majority of the Assembly.[12] It was titled â€Å"Constitucià ³n polà ­tica†, and was written in Spanish following the declaration of independence from Spain,[13] proclaimed on January 20, 1899, and was enacted and ratified by the Malolos Congress, a Congress held in Malolos, Bulacan.[14][15] Acts of the United States Congress The Philippines was a United States Territory from December 10, 1898 to March 24, 1934.[16] As such, the Philippines was under the jurisdiction of the federal government of the United States during this period. Two acts of the United States Congress passed during this period can be considered Philippine constitutions in that those acts defined the fundamental political principles, and established the structure, procedures, powers and duties, of the Philippine government. 1.The Philippine Organic Act of 1902, sometimes known as the â€Å"Philippine Bill of 1902†, was the first organic law for the Philippine Islands enacted by the United States Congress. It  provided for the creation of a popularly elected Philippine Assembly, and specified that legislative power would be vested in a bicameral legislature composed of the Philippine Commission (upper house) and the Philippine Assembly (lower house). Its key provisions included a bill of rights for the Filipinos and the appointm ent of two nonvoting Filipino resident commissioners to represent the Philippines in the United States Congress. 2.The Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916, sometimes known as â€Å"Jones Law†, modified the structure of the Philippine government by removing the Philippine Commission as the legislative upper house, replacing it with a Senate elected by Filipino voters. This act also explicitly stated that it was and had always been the purpose of the people of the United States to withdraw their sovereignty over the Philippine Islands and to recognize Philippine independence as soon as a stable government can be established therein. Though not a constitution itself, the Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934 provided authority and defined mechanisms for the establishment of a formal constitution via a constitutional convention. Commonwealth and Third Republic (1935) The 1935 Constitution was written in 1934, approved and adopted by the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1935-1946) and later used by the Third Republic of the Philippines (1946-1972). It was written with an eye to meeting the approval of the United States Government as well, so as to ensure that the U.S. would live up to its promise to grant the Philippines independence and not have a premise to hold onto its â€Å"possession† on the grounds that it was too politically immature and hence unready for full, real independence. The original 1935 Constitution provided for unicameral National Assembly and the President was elected to a six-year term without re-election. It was amended in 1940 to have a bicameral Congress composed of a Senate and House of Representatives, as well the creation of an independent electoral commission. The Constitution now granted the President a four-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms in office. A Constitutional Convention was held in 1971 to rewrite the 1935 Constitution. The convention was stained with manifest bribery and corruption. Possibly the most controversial issue was removing the presidential term limit so that Ferdinand E. Marcos could seek election for a third term, which many  felt was the true reason for which the convention was called. In any case, the 1935 Constitution was suspended in 1972 with Marcos’ proclamation of martial law, the rampant corruption of the constitutional process providing him with one of his major premises for doing so. Second Republic (1943) The 1943 Constitution was drafted by a committee appointed by the Philippine Executive Commission, the body established by the Japanese to administer the Philippines in lieu of the Commonwealth of the Philippines which had established a government-in-exile. In mid-1942 Japanese Premier Hideki Tojo had promised the Filipinos â€Å"the honor of independence† which meant that the commission would be supplanted by a formal republic. The Preparatory Committee for Philippine Independence tasked with drafting a new constitution was composed in large part, of members of the prewar National Assembly and of individuals with experience as delegates to the convention that had drafted the 1935 Constitution. Their draft for the republic to be established under the Japanese Occupation, however, would be limited in duration, provide for indirect, instead of direct, legislative elections, and an even stronger executive branch. Upon approval of the draft by the Committee, the new charter was ra tified in 1943 by an assembly of appointed, provincial representatives of the Kalibapi, the organization established by the Japanese to supplant all previous political parties. Upon ratification by the Kalibapi assembly, the Second Republic was formally proclaimed (1943-1945). Josà © P. Laurel was appointed as President by the National Assembly and inaugurated into office in October 1943. Laurel was highly regarded by the Japanese for having openly criticised the US for the way they ran the Philippines, and because he had a degree from Tokyo International University. The 1943 Constitution remained in force in Japanese-controlled areas of the Philippines, but was never recognized as legitimate or binding by the governments of the United States or of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and guerrilla organizations loyal to them. In late 1944, President Laurel declared a state of war existed with the United States and the British Empire and proclaimed martial law, essentially ruling by decree. His government in turn went into exile in December, 1944, first to Taiwan and then Japan. After the announcement of Japan’s surrender, Laurel formally proclaimed the Second Republic as dissolved. Until the  1960s, the Second Republic, and its officers, were not viewed as legitimate or as having any standing, with the exception of the Supreme Court whose decisions, limited to reviews of criminal and commercial cases as part of a policy of discretion by Chief Justice Josà © Yulo continued to be part of the official records (this was made easier by the Commonwealth never constituting a Supreme Court, and the formal vacancy in the chief justice position for the Commonwealth with the execution of Chief Justice Josà © Abad Santos by the Japanese). It was only during the Macapagal administration that a partial, political rehabilitation of the Japanese-era republic took place, with the recognition of Laurel as a former president and the addition of his cabinet and other officials to the roster of past government officials. However, the 1943 charter was not taught in schools and the laws of the 1943-44 National Assembly never recognized as valid or relevant. The 1943 Constitution provided strong executive powers. The Legislature consisted of a unicameral National Assembly and only those considered as anti-US could stand for election, although in practice most legislators were appointed rather than elected. The New Society and the Fourth Republic (1973) The 1973 Constitution, promulgated after Marcos’ declaration of martial law, was supposed to introduce a parliamentary-style government. Legislative power was vested in a National Assembly whose members were elected for six-year terms. The President was ideally supposed to be elected as the symbolic and purely ceremonial head of state from the Members of the National Assembly for a six-year term and could be re-elected to an unlimited number of terms. Upon election, the President ceased to be a member of the National Assembly. During his term, the President was not allowed to be a member of a political party or hold any other office. Executive power was meant to be exercised by the Prime Minister who was also elected from the Members of the National Assembly. The Prime Minister was the head of government and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. This constitution was subsequently amended four times (arguably five depending on how one considers Proclamation No. 3 of 1986). On October 16-17 1976, a majority of barangay voters (Citizen Assemblies) approved that martial law should be continued and ratified the amendments to the Constitution proposed  by President Marcos.[19] The 1976 amendments were: †¢an Interim Batasang Pambansa (IBP) substituting for the Interim National Assembly †¢the President would also become the Prime Minister and he would continue to exercise legislative powers until martial law should have been lifted. The Sixth Amendment authorized the President to legislate: Whenever in the judgment of the President there exists a grave emergency or a threat or imminence thereof, or whenever the Interim Batasang Pambansa or the regular National Assembly fails or is unable to act adequately on any matter for any reason that in his judgment requires immediate action, he may, in order to meet the exigency, issue the necessary decrees, orders or letters of instructions, which shall form part of the law of the land. The 1973 Constitution was further amended in 1980 and 1981. In the 1980 amendment, the retirement age of the members of the Judiciary was extended to 70 years. In the 1981 amendments, the false parliamentary system was formally modified into a French-style semi-presidential system: †¢executive power was restored to the President; †¢direct election of the President was restored; †¢an Executive Committee composed of the Prime Minister and not more than fourteen members was created to â€Å"assist the President in the exercise of his powers and functions and in the performance of his duties as he may prescribe;† and the Prime Minister was a mere head of the Cabinet. †¢Further, the amendments instituted electoral reforms and provided that a natural born citizen of the Philippines who has lost his citizenship may be a transferee of private land for use by him as his residence. The last amendments in 1984 abolished the Executive Committee and restored the position of Vice-President (which did not exist in the original, unamended 1973 Constitution). In actual practice, while the 1973 Constitution was ideally supposed to set up a true parliamentary system, the late President Marcos had made use of subterfuge and manipulation in order to keep executive power for himself, rather than devolving executive powers to the Parliament, as headed by the Prime Minister. The end result was that the 1973 Constitution – due to all amendments and subtle manipulations – was  merely the abolition of the Senate and a series of cosmetic text-changes where the old American-derived terminologies such House of Representatives became known as the â€Å"Batasang Pambansa† (National Assembly), Departments became known as â€Å"Ministries†, cabinet secretaries became known as â€Å"cabinet ministers†, and the President’s assistant – the Executive Secretary – became known as the â€Å"Prime Minister.† Ultimately, Marcos’ so-called â€Å"Parliamentary System† therefore functioned as an authoritarian-run Presidential System due to the series of amendments and other modifications put in place after the 1973 Constitution was ratified. 1986 â€Å"Freedom Constitution† Following the EDSA People Power Revolution that removed President Ferdinand E. Marcos from office, the new President, Corazon C. Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3 as a provisional constitution to would prepare for the next constitution. It adopted certain provisions from the 1973 constitution and granted the President broad powers to reorganise the government and remove officials from office, and mandated that the president would appoint a commission to draft a new constitution. refference/source; # a b â€Å"The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines†. 15 October 1986. Retrieved 2008-04-03. # ^ Isagani Cruz (1993). Constitutional Law. Quezon City, Philippines: Central Lawbook Publishing Co., Inc.. pp. 19. ISBN 971-16-0184-2. # ^ Joaquin Bernas, S.J. (1996). The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A Commentary. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store. pp. xxxiv-xxxix. ISBN 971-23-2013-8. # ^ â€Å"1986 Provisional â€Å"Freedom† Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines†. 25 March 1986. Retrieved 2008-04-03. # ^ â€Å"Local Government Code of 1991†. 1 January 1992. Retrieved 2007-06-09. # ^ â€Å"People vs. Tatud (G.R. No. 144037)†. Supreme Court of t he Philippines. 26 September 2003. Retrieved 2007-06-09. # ^ â€Å"Pamatong vs. Comelec (G.R. No. 161872)†. Supreme Court of the Philippines. 13 April 2004. Retrieved 2007-06-09. # ^ â€Å"Oposa et al. v. Fulgencio (G.R. No. 101083)†. Supreme Court of the Philippines (requoted by 30 July 1993. Retrieved 2007-06-09. # ^ Wikisource-logo.svg 1897 Constitution of Biak-na-Bato (Philippines) at Wikisource. # ^ â€Å"1897 Biac-na-Bato Constitution†. Corpus Juris. 1 November 1897. Retrieved 2009-01-25. # ^ Tucker, Spencer C. (2009). The encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American wars: a political, social, and military history. ABC-CLIO. p. 364. ISBN 9781851099511. # ^ Guevara, Sulpico, ed (2005). The laws of the first Philippine Republic (the laws of Malolos) 1898-1899.. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Library (published 1972). pp. 104–119.;iel=1;view=toc;idno=aab1246.0001.001. Retrieved 2008-03-26 . (English translation by Sulpicio Guevara) # ^ Guevara 2005, p. 88.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pudd’Nhead Wilson Theme

A persistent theme throughout Pudd’nhead Wilson is nature versus nature. This covers the social issues of identity and reputation in a broader sense than man versus man. Mark Twain does not lean towards one side more than the other, however. Racial distinctions are a major topic discussed in this story. This contributes to the other themes of honor and betrayal.. Mark Twain was able to discuss many complex themes in this story.I believe that one of the most persistent themes in Pudd’nhead Wilson is nature versus nature, rather than man versus man. This is because rather than focusing on how men interact with other men, Twain asks why they act a certain way. What determines a person’s identity? What do they inherit from their surrounding environments? Tension between nature and nurture is most clearly seen in the character of Tom Driscoll. Tom was raised as a rich, spoiled kid. He eventually grows to become a lazy, untrustworthy man.These characteristics were said to come from his inherited â€Å"slave† qualities, which shows how racial distinctions play a part in this theme. There is a beautiful, intelligent woman in Pudd’nhead Wilson named Roxy, who appears to be white. However, due to a tiny fraction of her blood being black, she is condemned to a life of slavery. But she is incredibly clever and could be very successful. The racial classification is seen through the switching of babies.Roxy’s baby is destined to a life of slavery; while her master’s son, Tom, is guaranteed fortune and luxury his whole life. Honor and betrayal is seen specifically when Tom gets himself into trouble with gambling debts. Roxy is willing to make a huge sacrifice for her son. She offered to forfeit her freedom and to be sold back into slavery in order to raise enough money to pay off Tom’s debt. Twain portrays Roxy as an honorable woman by emphasizing on how she- a slave- is willing to sacrifice for Tom- a fortunate, dishone st man.She asks two things of him by making this sacrifice: that she is sold up north and that he buys her back a year later. Tom expresses gratitude for his mother, but is quick to betray her. The theme of man versus man could not cover the complexity of the themes in Pudd’nhead Wilson. Nature versus nature is a major theme in the story. This includes racial distinctions and other social issues. Honor and betrayal is another theme revealed in Pudd’nhead Wilson. Twain did an excellent job at â€Å"weaving† all these themes together in this story.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 †Survey of Censorship

Fahrenheit 451 – Survey of Censorship Free Online Research Papers This is a report about censorship around the world. Many groups and governments have censored books for different reasons. One book that has received a lot of censorship is the Bible. It is censored because of its good teachings and takes away power from the government. There are a number of examples where this is happening today. In happens mainly in Non-Christian and Communist countries such as Saudi Arabia, Cuba, China, Iran and Russia. For example; In Saudi Arabia, distributing Bibles by non-Muslims, is banned. A sign at a Saudi Arabian airport says travelers should surrender their non-approved religious books to officials before entering the country. They allow western families to bring in their own Bibles, if they do not bring in too many. In China, the government has published a list of â€Å"prohibited objects† for the 2008 Olympics in the village where athletes will stay. To the surprise of many, Bibles are among the objects that will not be allowed. The Spanish newspaper, La Razon said the rule was one of a number of â€Å"signs of censure and intolerance† towards religious objects, particularly those used by Christians in China. In Cuba, the prison in Camaguey, Cuba, banned the Bible from inmates cells. According to Aid to the Church in Need, Nine political prisoners, several of whom are journalists, used to read texts of the Bible aloud from their cells so that other prisoners around could listen. It was an original way to study the Bible and get spiritual support to these prisoners who are very badly treated. Few Bibles are allowed into the prisons. In Iran, police in Tehran beat a man for having a Bible in his car. According to Iran Focus, a Christian newspaper, â€Å"he was subjected to lashes on the back and underwent physical and psychological torture. Even in some parts of the U.S., the Gideons Bible distribution has been banned by some American school districts. It has even been banned in residence halls at the University of Edinburgh because it is discriminatory. In Russia, many translations of The Bible were banned by the â€Å"Index Librorum Prohibitorum† in the Catholic Church. During the Cold War, Gorbachev banned all exploitation of Bibles up until 1988. Myanmar (formerly Burma) has banned translation of the Bible into the countrys native languages, yet limit the control of trafficking Christian literature in certain circumstances. Research Papers on Fahrenheit 451 – Survey of CensorshipComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionQuebec and CanadaGenetic Engineering19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationCapital PunishmentNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Make a Waterfall Firework

How to Make a Waterfall Firework A waterfall firework produces a long-lasting shower of glittering sparks, like a fiery waterfall. Here are instructions for making a waterfall firework yourself. This is a bright firework, intended to produce sparks that fall 20-30 feet. The waterfall may be suspended in the air or over a drop, as from a bridge. Waterfall Firework Mixture Potassium perchlorateMixture of 50-100 mesh aluminum and titanium and 300-400 mesh aluminum10% dextrin in water Prepare the Firework Mix together equal parts of potassium perchlorate and the metals with enough dextrin solution that you can pack the mixture.Press the composition into paper tubes approximately 8-1/2 inches x 5/8 inches (internal diameter). You can make the tubes using rolled regular paper, secured on the ends and middle with masking tape. Leave 1/2 inch open at the end of the tube for your ignition mixture.Combine equal amounts of waterfall firework mixture with gunpowder to make an ignition mixture. Pack ignition mixture and a fuse into the last 1/2 inch of the paper tube.Let the firework dry for a day or longer.Suspend a series of the waterfall tubes 20-30 feet in the air, using wire. Link the tubes together using quickmatch.When its time, light the quickmatch and enjoy the show! Waterfall Firework Safety Be sure the wire used to attach the firework to the supporting structure can withstand the heat of the firework. The burning metal produced by the firework will ignite any grass or brush underneath, so be sure to light this firework over a clean, fireproof area. Expect the sparks to be very hot, so let them burn out on their own. Dont attempt to stamp them out. Reference: Kurt Schumacher, Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Latin Plural Endings

Latin Plural Endings Latin Plural Endings Latin Plural Endings By Mark Nichol Pluralization of Latin-based nouns is a complicated field. Preference for Latin or English plural endings is inconsistent in similarly constructed words, as is the presence of alternative forms at all. Here’s a guide to plural forms for Latin words, identifying, for more than a hundred nouns of Latin origin and a few similarly constructed terms from other languages, which ending among two or three alternatives is preferred for particular words or in which contexts various alternative forms are employed. When two or more alternatives are listed, the first is the more (or most) common. Words ending in a, plural -s or -ae alga: algae or algas antenna: antennas or antennae (only antennae is correct for the sensory organs on animals; antennas in more common in other contexts) formula: formulas or formulae larva: larvae or larvas nebula: nebulae or nebulas: the former ending is employed in astronomy, and the latter applies in medical contexts vertebra: vertebrae or vertebras (vertebrae is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to a single vertebra) Words ending in ex, plural -exes or -ices apex: apexes or apices index: indexes or indices vortex: vortices or vortexes Words ending in eau, plural -eaus or -eaux bureau: bureaus or bureaux (the latter form is rare for this word and the other two in this category) chà ¢teau: chà ¢teaus or chà ¢teaux plateau: plateaus or plateaux Words ending in ion, plural -ia criterion: criteria ganglion: ganglia or ganglions Words ending in is, plural -es analysis: analyses axis: axes basis: bases crisis: crises diagnosis: diagnoses ellipsis: ellipses hypothesis: hypotheses oasis: oases paralysis: paralyses parenthesis: parentheses synopsis: synopses synthesis: syntheses thesis: theses Words ending in ix appendix: appendixes or appendices matrix: matrices or matrixes Words ending in o, plural -os or -i graffito: graffiti (the plural form is almost invariable used in place of the singular form) libretto: librettos or libretti virtuoso: virtuosos or virtuosi Words ending in o, plural -os or -oes armadillo: armadillos avocado: avocados or avocadoes banjo: banjos or banjoes bistro: bistros calypso: calypsos or calypsoes (the former spelling pertains to either the flower or the music style, and the latter form applies only to the music form) cargo: cargoes or cargos casino: casinos contralto: contraltos dingo: dingoes domino: dominoes or dominos dynamo: dynamos echo: echoes or echos ego: egos embargo: embargoes flamingo: flamingos or flamingoes folio: folios grotto: grottoes or grottos hero: heroes hippo: hippos innuendo: innuendos or innuendoes lasso: lassos or lassoes mango: mangoes or mangos motto: mottoes paparazzo: paparazzi pistachio: pistachios portfolio: portfolios potato: potatoes radio: radios ratio: ratios rhino: rhinos or rhino stiletto: stilettos or stilettoes studio: studios tornado: tornadoes or tornados torpedo: torpedoes veto: vetoes volcano: volcanoes or volcanos weirdo: weirdos Words ending in oo, plural -oos cockatoo: cockatoos kangaroo: kangaroos zoo: zoos Words ending in um, plural -a or -ums addendum: addenda or addendums agendum: agenda or agendums (agenda is almost invariably used in place of the singular form, and agendums is rare) aquarium: aquariums or aquaria atrium: atria or atriums bacterium: bacteria candelabrum: candelabra or candelabrums corrigendum: corrigenda curriculum: curricula or curriculums datum: data or datums (data is often used as a mass noun, taking a singular verb and being substituted by a singular pronoun) erratum: errata gymnasium: gymnasiums or gymnasia maximum: maxima or maximums medium: mediums or media (media is the correct alternative to refer to forms of expression or information or in biological contexts) memorandum: memorandums or memoranda millennium: millennia or millenniums minimum: minima or minimums moratorium: moratoriums or moratoria podium: podiums or podia referendum: referenda or referendums spectrum: spectra or spectrums stratum: strata symposium: symposiums or symposia Words ending in us, plural -uses or -i alumnus/alumna: alumni or alumnae (alumnus refers to a man and alumna to a woman, alumni pertains to men or to men and women and alumnae to women; alumni is often employed in the singular, and alum/alums are used informally as gender-neutral singular and plural forms) bacillus: bacilli cactus: cacti or cactuses focus: foci or focuses fungus: fungi or funguses hippopotamus: hippopotamuses or hippopotami locus: loci narcissus: narcissi or narcissuses or narcissus platypus: platypuses or platypi radius: radii or radiuses stimulus: stimuli syllabus: syllabi or syllabuses terminus: termini or terminuses Words ending in on, plural -a or -ons automaton: automotons or automata phenomenon: phenomena or phenomenons Assorted cherub: cherubim or cherubs (the former alternative applies to angels and the latter pertains to depictions of winged children or to cherubic-looking people) rhinoceros: rhinoceroses or rhinoceros or rhinoceri seraph: seraphim or seraphs Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 50 Synonyms for "Assistant"Wood vs. Wooden

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Environmental policy and energy in the next 30 years Research Paper - 1

Environmental policy and energy in the next 30 years - Research Paper Example It is forecast that by 2025 natural gas will occupy the second position among all energy sources to be used worldwide. Much of the natural gas demand will be met by supplies from unconventional sources such as shale and rock formulations and it is estimated that its contribution will be almost 30 percent of total global production and the gas from shale and rock can meet world demand for next 250 years based on the current demand levels. China will witness the largest growth in gas consumption through 2040 amounting to nearly half of Asia pacific non-OECD consumption growth. Oil and natural gas together will meet 60 percent of the world energy needs. Demand for coal will reach at its pinnacle around 2025 and then will continue to decline due to shift toward non-polluting or lesser carbon emitting energies. Overall, oil, gas, and coal together will account for almost 80 percent of the energy needs of the world. Renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-fuels will registe r strong growth and likely to meet around 4 percent global energy demand by 2040. Hydropower and wind energy will show the fastest growth among the renewable energy sources – likely to register 8 percent a year growth. ... Nuclear energy is likely to grow at 2.2 percent a year worldwide and will have a checkered growth after Fukushima mishap in Japan (ExxonMobil, 2012). Below mentioned graph shows world energy consumption pattern between OECD and non-OECD countries. Source: In 2008, transportation sector consumed 27 percent of the total world energy demand and will grow at the rate of 1.4 percent until 2040. Major consumption or increase in demand will be from non-OECD countries as more and more people are adopting personal mode of transportation. Lesser population and economic growth in the OECD nations through 2040 will restrict the energy growth in the transportation sector at lowly 0.3 percent against likely growth of 2.6 percent per year in the non-OECD countries. Over the next 30 years, hybrid vehicles will become the mainstream vehicles for transportation needs and it is expected that by 2040, hybrid and other fuel efficient vehicles will constitute 50 percent of all light duty vehicles plying on the road. Commercial transportation energy needs through 2040 will also rise by 45 percent (ExxonMobil, 2012). Below mentioned chart shows likely consumption of energy in the transportation sector in OECD and non-OECD countries from 2008 through 2035. Source: Environmental Impact Burning of fossil fuels release huge amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that lead to the greenhouse effect in which, gases such as carbon-dioxide, methane etc. absorb the heat and then release it back to the earth atmosphere (International energy agency, 2012). Due to higher consumption of fossil fuel (coal, oil, and gas) in next 30 years, the levels of global

Personal and Organizational Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Personal and Organizational Ethics - Essay Example Most of the organizations have company lawyers who advise them on how to function without breaking the law. The public relations office ensures that companies relate well with other organizations. Despite the growing competition, companies and organizations should maintain originality of ideas and products in the market (Velasquez, 2006). Everyone in the business world must have basic managerial skills that will enable each one to perform their delegations in the organization well (McDaniel, 2004). Currently am serving as the quality assurance manager of an industrial company. This is a demanding position and the concepts learned in this course have been effective in helping me develop a personal code of ethics. I have also developed a vision mission statement that serves as a guideline to keep me always in conformity with the organizational ethics. As a manager, I have a strong value system and the most important of these values is always upholding my integrity. In performing all my managerial duties, I make sure that I do not compromise with my integrity as this reflects the inner person in me and an individual without integrity is not worth holding a post in society. Upholding integrity entails doing what is right irrespective of the cost. When dealing with other employees, I try my best to remain fair and understanding but never to allow compromise on my integrity. Honesty is another value that I practice in my daily work. Irrespective of the situation, I am honest to myself and to others. An individual must accept the realities that cannot change from deep within and this involves accepting weaknesses and appreciating strengths. From such serenity, an individual can practice honesty to others. Sometimes I make mistakes and I try to be honest enough to accept these as well as listen to advice even from my juniors. Management requires one to be a good team player (Velasquez, 2006). A good manager must understand the strengths and weaknesses of his or her tea m members and be able to bring out the best in them. Since this position is not about me, but rather the people at my service, I ensure that I delegate duties according to abilities of different employees. I give them opportunities to take challenges that present chances for growth in terms of acquiring new skills. The team members must grow and become better people in terms of personality and professionalism and therefore I have a great challenge of ensuring that delegation of duties presents each member with an equal opportunity to grow. I am a friendly individual and this has helped me greatly. All the employees feel free to approach me and share their concerns. I try to understand their issues and discuss with them possible solutions. It is not only about being friendly and understanding, but solving issues of employees requires one to be reasonable. Rationality helps in balancing the interests of the organization and those of an employee so that none of them suffers. This trait is of great use when dealing with clients and other corporate. However, I never let friendships affect decision-making; instead, I have learned to maintain good professional relationships with fellow employees. Communication is the most important aspect in the smooth running of activities. To be an effective manager I have to listen to ideas and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hydraulic Fracturing Wk 3 deliverable Assignment

Hydraulic Fracturing Wk 3 deliverable - Assignment Example This occurs during emissions and fracturing from hydraulic fracturing tools like the compressor stations (Hall, 2006). Methane is a crucial pollutant that can cause death when not properly controlled. A number of earthquakes comprising of a magnitude 4.0 tremor, which hit Youngstown, Ohio, all through 2011 are likely associated to a disposal well for inserting wastewater used in the hydraulic fracturing procedure. This finding is with regards to seismologists at Columbia University (Sandra, 2012). Proponents or advocators of hydraulic fracturing advertise its potential to make the U.S. the globe’s largest oil producer. They consider that is will make that United States the world’s energy leader (Tiemann &Vann, 2011). Advocators also argue that the endeavor will give its motherland energy independence meaning that the United States will not depend on other nations for energy. This will also increase the trade of the United States as they can also sale energy to foreign nations. Loris, N. (2012). Hydraulic Fracturing: Critical for Energy Production, Jobs, and Economic Growth. Retrieved from Tiemann, M., & Vann, A. (2011). Hydraulic fracturing and safe drinking water act issues. Retrieved from

ITM501 MoD 2 Case Assign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ITM501 MoD 2 Case Assign - Essay Example Thus they opted for a pilot program via the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) which demonstrated 32 quality based parameters and the firm applied SAP Business Objects solutions to keep an eye on those parameters to improve the level of performance (Konitzer & Cummens, 2011). Next come the case of Exclusive Resorts, LLC which is the world’s biggest luxury destination resort with over 350 Sophisticated and discerning private dwellings around the globe. The resort serves almost a number of 3300 members and enjoys a continuous entry of new members. The company runs on a large scale with quality services and positive member responses. It also operates on the domain of managing and developing real estate projects and hence requires complicated financial management system and reporting approach throughout its worldwide branches where the properties are located. During the early days of the firm’s operations, the company preferred the implementation of Oracle software as its enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution. However with increasing growth and development, the company found the software to be unmanageable and complex for its multifaceted business needs. The firm decided to search for a further ERP solution which would be able to incorporate with the technologies easily and would assist the firm to improve its quality of services as well as its competitiveness paving the path for membership growth (Microsoft Inc., 2011). Thus we can learn from both the cases that in the recent days, technologies are becoming more upgraded while the business operations are getting more complex. Therefore a constant change is noticeable within the functioning of these firms which strives for excellent business services so that they can efficiently serve their customers. Therefore need for business intelligence to face the competitive environment and effectively cut the cost has become a significant part of every business. Business Intelligence can be defined as the tools, technologies and processes require for converting data into information, information into knowledge and knowledge into plans that drive profitable business action (Loshin, 2012, p.7). Conclusions drawn Business intelligence is the process of gathering large quantity of data, assessing the data and offering a high end report set that compress the fundamental nature of the data into the foundation of the business activities, making the management able to make basic decisions related to the business. It is the approach of getting the right access to the right information for making the right decision at the right time. (Stackowiak et al., 2007, p.3). It is the capacity of the business to extract performance based knowledge from the organization and market to support an improved decision making process as well as to excel their performance (Electro smart Ltd., 2011). The business intelligence system can be achieved with the implementation of various idea proces sing systems. Idea processing systems are regarded to be associated with the decision support system (Thierauf, 2001, p.95). In this context it is significant to discuss the importance of a decision support system. DSS is one of the significant technology solutions to the business sector which offers them a means of converting a rich source of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Puzzled CEO, The Number Crunching CFO, The Curious HR Director, Essay

The Puzzled CEO, The Number Crunching CFO, The Curious HR Director, The Frustrated R & D Director - Essay Example In some instances, as in Level II or III attacks, they have the potential to be catastrophic. Bearing this in mind, I will now restate what I discussed in the executive meeting regarding the three generation of IA technologies but shall better clarify their relevancy to our company. The first generation of IA technologies is exclusively focused upon the prevention of intrusion. As may be deduced from Liu, Yu and Jing's (2005) definition and analysis of the first generation of IA Technologies, it is imperative that any corporate entity, not just ours, have such a system in place. It involves the implementation of multiple levels of data securitization, seeking to protect information from both unauthorized physical and network access and attack. It is, thus, that our data is encrypted, for example. Encryption functions to maximize the security of data by rendering the deciphering of data retrieved through unauthorized access, difficult. The second generation of IA technologies is founded upon an acknowledgement of the fact that the first generation of IA technologies cannot preve... The IT department was effectively able to identify the intrusion attempts and to offset them precisely because the company has second generation IA technologies in place, whether firewalls or intrusion detectors. As you may recall from our meeting, I did not spend too much time discussing the first and second generations outlined in the above but focused on the importance, indeed, imperatives, of implementing third generation IA technologies. Even while conceding to the fact that the implementation of such a system of technologies is expensive, I would argue that not doing so can prove even more costly. To clarify this, I will define and discuss third generation IA technologies in specific relation to our company. The third generation of IA technologies withstands categorization into two groups, as Liu, Yu and Jing (2005) explain. These are intrusion making and defense in depth. Within the context of the first, the primary aim is to maximize the survivability of a system, even when it has been subjected to attack. It necessitates the redesigning of our current system around the following principles: "(a) redundancy and replication, (b) diversity, (c) randomization, (d) fragmentation and threshold cryptography and (e) increased layers of indirection" (Liu, Yu, and Jing, 2005, p. 112). This system will maximize, not only the company's ability to prevent and detect intrusions but, of greater importance, it will protect our data, hence the company, if violated. The second category of third generation IA technologies I mentioned at the meeting is defense in depth. It would involve our implementing technologies as "(a) boundary controllers, such as firewalls and access control, (b) intrusion detection and (c)

Burden of the Bourgeoisie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Burden of the Bourgeoisie - Essay Example Economic data of present times show that families now have more money to spend as more members are earning. The typical two income family of the present where both the husband and wife are earning make75 percent more than what a typical family of the last generation   Economic data of present times show that families now have more money to spend as more members are earning. The typical two income family of the present where both the husband and wife are earning make75 percent more than what a typical family of the last generation  earned. Although they have more to spend, their savings have drastically fallen. They are the educated class, having decent jobs, but they find it difficult to pay their medical bills. Filing for bankruptcy has increased drastically among this class. Warren and Tyagi argue that the reason for the financial crisis among the middle class is not their spendthrift habits, but that they have to spend much more for basic necessities, like housing, school for the children, healthcare and basic expenses. Families who face the calamity of foreclosure, are isolated, instead of being supported. The authors put up a strong case against the credit industry which is at the bottom of the myth of overspending by the middle class. They conclude by giving a number of suggestions for improving the situation.America is an affluent society, considering the global situation. The middle class, which is the backbone of the American society has never been so prosperous as it is now.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Puzzled CEO, The Number Crunching CFO, The Curious HR Director, Essay

The Puzzled CEO, The Number Crunching CFO, The Curious HR Director, The Frustrated R & D Director - Essay Example In some instances, as in Level II or III attacks, they have the potential to be catastrophic. Bearing this in mind, I will now restate what I discussed in the executive meeting regarding the three generation of IA technologies but shall better clarify their relevancy to our company. The first generation of IA technologies is exclusively focused upon the prevention of intrusion. As may be deduced from Liu, Yu and Jing's (2005) definition and analysis of the first generation of IA Technologies, it is imperative that any corporate entity, not just ours, have such a system in place. It involves the implementation of multiple levels of data securitization, seeking to protect information from both unauthorized physical and network access and attack. It is, thus, that our data is encrypted, for example. Encryption functions to maximize the security of data by rendering the deciphering of data retrieved through unauthorized access, difficult. The second generation of IA technologies is founded upon an acknowledgement of the fact that the first generation of IA technologies cannot preve... The IT department was effectively able to identify the intrusion attempts and to offset them precisely because the company has second generation IA technologies in place, whether firewalls or intrusion detectors. As you may recall from our meeting, I did not spend too much time discussing the first and second generations outlined in the above but focused on the importance, indeed, imperatives, of implementing third generation IA technologies. Even while conceding to the fact that the implementation of such a system of technologies is expensive, I would argue that not doing so can prove even more costly. To clarify this, I will define and discuss third generation IA technologies in specific relation to our company. The third generation of IA technologies withstands categorization into two groups, as Liu, Yu and Jing (2005) explain. These are intrusion making and defense in depth. Within the context of the first, the primary aim is to maximize the survivability of a system, even when it has been subjected to attack. It necessitates the redesigning of our current system around the following principles: "(a) redundancy and replication, (b) diversity, (c) randomization, (d) fragmentation and threshold cryptography and (e) increased layers of indirection" (Liu, Yu, and Jing, 2005, p. 112). This system will maximize, not only the company's ability to prevent and detect intrusions but, of greater importance, it will protect our data, hence the company, if violated. The second category of third generation IA technologies I mentioned at the meeting is defense in depth. It would involve our implementing technologies as "(a) boundary controllers, such as firewalls and access control, (b) intrusion detection and (c)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Hardest Choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My Hardest Choice - Essay Example The two options had both merits and demerits that I had to consider before settling on one choice. The scholarship presented me with the offer of having good education and an American graduate certificate that could qualify me for a good employment and a nice life. American life could make me a dependent and mature person. This would make me a responsible person and help me stop depending on my mother for everything. Moreover, the open-mindedness of American people enabled me cope up with life in America easily. The people are not hostile and this helped me fit in with the new environment. However, I had to also consider the demerits of taking the scholarship. This included staying away from my beloved family members and friends that I had been used to being close to them. Moreover, adapting to the new culture, strange food and unfamiliar language in the new country would be such a hard task for me. Adult people have to take painful decisions in order to succeed in life. Success in life calls for one to make costly sacrifices with an aim of getting the fruits of this sacrifice later. I came to realize that taking the scholarship was the right choice I had

Monday, October 14, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking Essay Essay Critical thinking includes the component skills of analyzing arguments, making inferences using inductive or deductive reasoning, judging or evaluating, and making decisions or solving problems when evaluating academic content. Background knowledge is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for enabling critical thought within a given subject. Critical thinking involves both cognitive skills and dispositions. These dispositions, which can be seen as attitudes or habits of mind, include open- and fair-mindedness, inquisitiveness, flexibility, a propensity to seek reason, a desire to be well-informed, and a respect for and willingness to entertain diverse viewpoints. There are both general- and domain-specific aspects of critical thinking. Empirical research suggests that people begin developing critical thinking competencies at a very young age. Although adults often exhibit deficient reasoning, in theory all people can be taught to think critically. Instructors are urged to provide explicit instruction in critical thinking, to teach how to transfer to new contexts, and to use cooperative or collaborative learning methods and constructivist approaches that place students at the center of the learning process. In constructing assessments of critical thinking, educators should use open-ended tasks, real-world or â€Å"authentic† problem contexts, and ill-structured problems that require students to go beyond recalling or restating previously learned information. Such tasks should have more than one defensible solution and embed adequate collateral materials to support multiple perspectives. Finally, such assessment tasks should make student reasoning visible by requiring students to provide evidence or logical arguments in support of judgments, choices, claims, or assertions. Critical thinking is an important element of all professional fields and academic disciplines when evaluating academic content. Within the framework of scientific skepticism, the process of critical thinking involves the careful acquisition and interpretation of information and use of it to reach a well-justified conclusion. The concepts and principles of critical thinking can be applied to any context or case but only by reflecting upon the nature of that application. Critical thinking forms, therefore, a system of related, and overlapping, modes of thought such as anthropological  thinking, sociological thinking, historical thinking, political thinking, psychological thinking, philosophical thinking, mathematical thinking, chemical thinking, biological thinking, ecological thinking, legal thinking, ethical thinking, musical thinking, thinking like a painter, sculptor, engineer, business person, etc. In other words, though critical thinking principles are universal, their applicat ion to disciplines requires a process of reflective contextualization. Critical thinking is considered important in the academic fields because it enables one to analyze, evaluate, explain, and restructure their thinking, thereby decreasing the risk of adopting, acting on, or thinking with, a false belief. However, even with knowledge of the methods of logical inquiry and reasoning, mistakes can happen due to a thinkers inability to apply the methods or because of character traits such as egocentrism. Critical thinking includes identification of prejudice, bias, propaganda, self-deception, distortion, misinformation, etc. Given research in cognitive psychology, some educators believe that schools should focus on teaching their students critical thinking skills and cultivation of intellectual traits. Socratic method is defined as a prolonged series of questions and answers which refutes a moral assertion by leading an opponent to draw a conclusion that contradicts his own viewpoint. Critical thinking skills through Socratic method taught in schools help create leaders. Instructors that promote critical thinking skills can benefit the students by increasing their confidence and creating a repeatable thought process to question and confidently approach a solution. Students also accomplish follower-ship skills that can be used to probe the leaders foundations. Critical thinking skills through Socratic method serve to produce professionals that are self-governing. However, Socratic method for critical thinking skills can become confusing if an instructor or leader uses the method too rigidly, the student may not know what the instructor or leader wants from him. An instructor or leader may disillusion the students if he uses particular style of questioning. Instructors must reveal their reasoning behind the questions in order to guide the students in the right direction. Socratic method can serve twenty-first-century leaders to instruct students, mentor protà ©gà ©s, motivate followers, advise other leaders, and influence peers. In conclusion, â€Å"critical thinking is the disciplined art of ensuring that you use the best  thinking you are capable of in any set of circumstances when evaluating academic content. The general goal of thinking is to figure out some situation, solve some problems, answer some questions, or resolve some issue It also is a process in which a person pursuits reliable and pertinent information about the world. Critical thinking is often described as reasonable, ruminative, trustworthy, and a well practiced form of thinking that assists people with deciding what they should believe in and what actions should be taken. A practiced critical thinker will ask good questions, collects pertinent data, categorizes common characteristics, logically reasons with the new data and then he or she will come to a trustworthy and dependable conclusion. Critical thinking makes use of many processes and procedures. Some processes include but is not limited to asking questions, making judgments, and identifying assumptions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Whitmans Song of Myself and The Nature of Life Essay -- Song of Mysel

Whitman's Song of Myself and The Nature of Life Identifying the mystery of existence, Whitman writes "Song of Myself," section six to question the nature of the life of man. He alludes to and confronts past answers to this query by utilizing as his central image the leaves of grass. In the Christian tradition, the Bible utilizes this image of grass to describe the lives of men. Isaiah, a prophet of God cries out, "All men are like grass . . . and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, . . . but the word of the Lord stands forever" (Isaiah 40:6-8). The scriptural image of men as grass, "the handkerchief of the Lord," places man in relation to God and establishes the transient, finite nature of man. Whitman responds throughout this poem to the Biblical answer to the question of life. Emphasizing the cyclical process of nature, Whitman constructs his poem to insist that the life of man, as in nature, moves not with linear progression, but rather in a cyclical succession. Birth and death, Whitman asserts, serve not as bookends to a concise life span, but rather as connections in a larger continuum of existence. Whitman utilizes an imagist technique relating a series of associated images through a central connection. Whitman first presents the reader with the image of a small child offering up grass with the question, "What is the grass." In light of the scriptural connection Whitman provides, this query "What is the grass" from the lips of a child presents the larger question of what is man. Whitman chooses not to answer this question directly, but rather to present possibilities and proffer the question back to the reader, stating "How could I answer the chil... ...ot ceased to exist but rather now continue their existence "alive and well" in the ambiguous "somewhere." Whitman will not accept the Biblical understanding of death as a passage to either heaven or hell. He claims instead that "to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier." This fortuitous death he would apply to every man, not reserving destruction for any man. Death, if it truly exists, for Whitman, leads only "forward to life, and does not wait at the end to arrest it." Stating "All goes onward and outward . . and nothing collapses," Whitman affirms the view of man's earthly life as a succession rather than a progression and claims for man a part in a larger cyclical continuum of existence. Works Cited: Whitman, Walt. Song of Myself. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Ed, Paul Lauter. Boston,NewYork: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

History Other :: essays research papers fc

Mikey Ritualistic Sacrifice in Ancient Greek Mythology The ritual of sacrifice in Greek literature played a prominent role in societal influence, defining many aspects of their culture. Sacrifice was the foundation of moral concern, as well as an effective means of narrative development in Greek tragedy. The thematic reoccurrence of sacrifice in Greek literature reveals its symbolic importance. At a time when politics and religion were one in the same, sacrifice was crucial in regulating governmental issues. Tragedies manipulate rituals in order to portray a community’s current sense of order or disorder. The pattern of sacrifice typically entails conflict between the needs of an individual and those of a community in crisis, ultimately resolved in favor of the community through willing participation of the sacrificial victim (Easterling 188). Rites of sacrifice serve to rectify corrupted relations, and maintain moral balance. The social order of Greek life is constructed, by sacrifice, through irrevocable acts; religion and political existence were thoroughly integrated forcing all other life functions to reflect this foundation. In Greek literature, the role of sacrifice served many functions. The literal meaning of sacrifice, in most instances, juxtaposes the consequences of its perpetrations, ultimately establishing beneficial results. Most importantly, sacrifice was the basis of the relations maintained between men and gods, establishing a means of contact and interaction. Additionally, the practice of ritual sacrifice helped to classify the gods, and differentiate them from one another: double aspects of a single deity, hierarchical relations between two dietes, or the outstanding nature of one particular deity. And finally, sacrifice functions directly to clarify the political rights of each individual and reveal the structures of their social body (Sissa and Marcel). However, various implementations of sacrifice can possibly induce different res ults depending on the direction of the interaction. For example, sacrifice can take place between a god and animals, humans, or another god thus revealing rites both of, and to mythological gods. Mortals made sacrifices at any time, to any god during the occurrence of something that fell with that deity’s’ jurisdiction, or as a payment of a vow (Sissa and Marcel). Rites of sacrifice were also the focus of many cultural festivals in which additional purposes were combined, such as rites of initiation, purification, fire, blood and oath. These rites presented themselves in all facets of Greek culture, producing ritualistic transfers of virtue, possessions, and power seeking to redress past injustices or to return existence to the status quo.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Persuasive Memo

TO: Harri Karvinen, President FROM: Saurabh Mishra, Regional Manager of Sales DATE: 19th July, 2009 SUBJECT: Review of proposal to eliminate STP On behalf of all the regional sales managers and the salespersons in TeknoSport, I would like to put forth this request to kindly review the pending decision to eliminate the legendary TeknoSport’s Sales training programme(STP). Being part of the business for a long time, and from the rich ground work experience that we all believe we have, we feel that STP has been at the forefront of pitching TeknoSport into a position that it enjoys right now. STP has been an integral part of the success story of TeknoSport and there are various reasons for which there is a need to continue the STP. They are enlisted below: †¢Rigorous training before on-the-job training – STP takes the new employees through a rigorous 5 day schedule, adapting them to the skills which differentiates an STP salespersons from the rest †¢Holistic training – STP incorporates the accumulated learning of various salespersons over so many years. This would not be provided by a buddy system where scope is limited to just one mentor †¢Training of long time sales personnel – Currently, there are no programs in place which would train the long time sales personnel with the new products, new methodology and new communication systems in place. This is very crucial for our successful salespersons to adapt to the changing paradigm †¢Employee Satisfaction – STP is one of the major contributors to employee satisfaction in our firm. It provides an enriching experience to the long time sales persons, and to the new employees, it imparts new confidence levels and makes them feel important to TeknoSport. Apart from that, it helps them learn the new communications systems, thus enabling them in better workload management, making them more efficient †¢Contribution to success – Our success has been driven by amazing performances by our sales personnel. Our innovative products are definitely important, however, if not for the amazing skills and knowledge shown by our sales personnel trained in STP, none of our products would see even their first customers †¢Employee Retention – STP has been the biggest factor in reducing employee turnover in our company. If we need to maintain the same, we need to continue STP, as it is undoubtedly the biggest favorite amongst all our employees and has lready proved to be the single most important contributor to reducing employee turnover Instead of completely eliminating STP, we can think of other alternatives, for example †¢Combining STP with the suggested buddy program †¢Shortening the duration of STP †¢Providing STP to certain percentage of sales personnel and then spreading the learning through buddy system †¢Making it biannually instead of quarterly To cut a long story short, we believe that STP has been at the heart of TeknoSport’s success story. Our USP is our superior, highly knowledgeable team of Sales Personnel, which are being churned out by STP year after year. Elimination of STP would compromise the quality of our sales personnel as well as their satisfaction levels and this is bound to have a major impact on our market position. Even though STP requires investment on the part of the company, these investments provide unparalleled long term benefits both in terms of our success as well as employee satisfaction. To cut down STP would be to cut down the driving force behind our success. We earnestly request you to kindly review the proposal of eliminating STP in light of the arguments purported by us and to look into the alternatives. Attachments – Employee ratings of STP, market survey, customer survey

Thursday, October 10, 2019

I Love My Country Essay

I love my country. I am proud to be a Canadian. We live in a beautiful land; we have ample natural resources; we have a long peaceful history; we are a truly multicultural nation; we have made major contributions to the advancement of society; and we are, all in all, a great people. Canada is the second largest land mass on earth — and what a beautiful country it is! Surrounded by three oceans, it has an incredible variety of landscape. From the vast, pure, arctic north, to the breathtaking Rocky Mountains, to the prairies, through the rocky Canadian Shield, the fertile farmlands of southern Ontario and Quà ©bec, to the picturesque Maritime Provinces, Canada is amazing. Each region has its own beauty. Our cities are filled with exciting things to do; our small towns are welcoming and rich with history; our farmlands are abundant and peaceful. In my southern Ontario home, I can enjoy four beautiful seasons and, within little more than an hour, I can be experiencing the country’s largest city, resting along the shores of the Great Lakes, or hiking through wilderness trails. I cannot imagine anywhere else on earth with such beauty and diversity. Our amazing landscape also provides us with many natural resources, which we have learned to harvest. Hydro power from Niagara Falls, abundant forests and fish stocks, fertile farmland, rich oil fields — the list is long. We have more than enough to help ourselves and, along the way, we have ample opportunities to help the rest of the world. Our wealth gives us so many advantages and, I think, special responsibility in the â€Å"global village.† One of the things about Canada which makes me most proud is our peaceful history. Certainly, we have been involved in wars and, when necessary (such as in World War II), Canadian soldiers made a major difference. But the Canadian mentality is oriented towards peace. Our troops are peace-keepers, not aggressors. Our instincts are to resolve our problems through negotiations, not bloodshed. Both in our relationships with other countries and in our internal problems, we tend to avoid violence. Even in our most difficult divisions –around the treatment of native peoples and in the Quà ©bec separatist questions –violence is rare. It does happen; there are always people who will be extreme. But we have never had any all-out wars, and I doubt that we ever will. Our attitude towards peace also contributes to our relative safety. Of course, there are incidents of violence in Canada. The Montrà ©al massacre of 11 years ago and recent episodes of school violence come readily to mind. However, both our laws and our collective sensibility makes us less likely to experience violence. We don’t have to worry about being shot when we walk outside our doors. In an increasingly violent world, we can still feel safe and secure in our homes. I am particularly grateful for Canada’s diversity. Canada truly is a multicultural nation. In Canada, people of different colours, races and religions live together. We don’t have neighbourhoods which are defined as â€Å"white† or â€Å"black†. We learn from one another and, in my opinion, our lives are richer for the opportunity to share in such varied experiences. The world is also greatly enriched by the contributions of Canadians. A Canadian team, led by Drs. Banting and Best, discovered insulin. Another Canadian, Joe Naismith, created the game of basketball. Canadians invented the mechanical arm which is used on space shuttle missions. And, perhaps most importantly to all teenagers, one Canadian, Alexander Graham Bell, revolutionized communication with the invention of the telephone! Canadians have, as well, had a huge presence on the world stage. From diplomats such as Lester Pearson to entertainers such as Celine Dion, the world has come to know and love Canadians. But it’s not just the famous who make Canada special. Everywhere I go in this country, I meet wonderful, welcoming people. When I read the works of Canadian authors, watch Canadian television, read Canadian magazines, I know just how special our country is. Canada is my home, and I want it to stay the way that it is. I love this country and, at this difficult time, I am counting on those in powers in this country — the politicians and the adults who elect them — to believe that Canada IS worth saving, and to work to save it.

Cultural Awareness in an Asymmetric Environment

I believe all experienced military leaders, both noncommissioned and commissioned, realize the importance of knowing every facet of the enemy and their environment. Throughout history, we have studied, witnessed and experienced great examples of the use of cultural knowledge during combat operations. Lieutenant Colonel T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) of the British Army documented his experiences while living among the Arabic people. He learned about their society and culture in order to improve his military expertise (McFate, 2004). With constantly changing interests, influences and enemy TTPs in today’s asymmetric environment, Soldiers on all levels are often focused on new strategies, equipment and tactics and unintentionally lose focus on the importance of cultural awareness. In today’s contemporary operation environment, cultural understanding and knowledge is a key element to successful counterinsurgency operations. This paper will stress the need for intensifying cultural awareness training in preparation for today’s asymmetric warfare and will emphasize the effectiveness of this principle of war. Cultural Awareness in an Asymmetric Environment Any WWII or Korean War Veteran can probably tell you how the phrase â€Å"combat operations† had a completely different connotation back in their day. Where conflicts of the past may have been focused on manpower, fire superiority and maneuver, today we are focused on variables like sociological demographics, politics and economy. Currently, U. S. forces are engaged in asymmetric warfare where the insurgents are adapting their strategies to avoid the direct fight and attempting to exploit the weaknesses of U. S. forces. The insurgents have the upper-hand; they know the customs, geography, influences and people and are able to maneuver unnoticed. To combat this, we have adjusted our training by implementing cultural familiarization in pre-mobilization training and inserting COIN doctrine into many leadership courses. However I argue that Soldiers on all levels, but especially the junior leaders and tacticians who are often engaged in the midst of the local populace, do not fully understand the value and second/third order effects of properly implementing this principle of warfare. Today, more than ever, we need to focus our training on cultural awareness and employ this knowledge to reverse the trend of the insurgency exploiting our cultural ignorance. Argument Just as a college football coach studies the footage of their opponent’s previous games; we need to study the norms, interests, relationships and socio-political patterns of our operating environment. In the last decade, we have taken measures to emphasize this principle of war but most significantly the publication of FM 3-24 has developed doctrine to defeat counterinsurgents with lessons learned in combat. It teaches the importance of cultural awareness in an asymmetric environment and stresses to avoid imposing our ideology of what we think is normal upon a foreign society (2006, p. 1-15). Today’s COE demands a more robust pre-mobilization training package on the culture, language, geography and anthropology. Training for this principle of warfare has been trivialized to higher-level familiarization of COIN doctrine and lower-level â€Å"check-the-block† pre-mobilization training. We need comprehensive training that involves every Soldier and incorporates advanced studies with scenario based exercises. Sergeant Elkhamri, a U. S. Army translator that spent 18 month with a Special Forces unit in Iraq, explained that the way to increase the Iraqi support in our fight against terrorism is to â€Å"improve the quality and increase the quantity† of pre-mobilization cultural awareness training. He further emphasizes how the we cannot expect deploying Soldiers to get a full understanding of Iraqi culture in a two hour PowerPoint class (2007, p. 110). The Philippine Insurrection The Philippine Insurrection is one of the strongest examples of how the lack of cultural respect and understanding can render significantly negative effects on military operations. From the American stand point, the Philippine Insurrection should have been a quick and easy conflict. Originally, the U. S. deployed with 20,000 troops in order to quickly quell the insurrection. After the realization that the resistance was not going to collapse quickly, troop strength doubled, tripled and finally peaked at 74,000 by the end of the conflict (Wikipedia, 2009) . In short, this stemmed from the U. S. underestimating the importance of cultural understanding by disregarding the Filiopino culture. The U. S. also demostrated that it was their duty to rescue the Filipino people by imposing American democracy upon them. This mindset, which was evident among U. S. military leadership in the Philippines, is sometimes apparent to this day. The Philippine Insurrection is one of the lowest points in U. S. military history. The Filipinos were often described by American military and media as uncivilized, fiendish savages. The U. S. ilitary strategy was executed with no consideration towards the local populace. American Soldiers tortured, mutilated and even decapitated Filipino troops. There were reports of U. S. Soldiers shooting surrendering Filipino troops and burning entire villages to the ground (Wikipedia, 2009). Picture these atrocities happening in America to Americans by a foreign military force. I would bet that we would have an enormous insurgent force of enraged Americans. Human nature dictates that the Philippine people would react the same way, and they did. The insurgency grew as word spread of the atrocities. Agoncillo described how the Filipino troops would exceed American brutality on some prisoners of war. He told stories how ears and noses were cut off and salt applied to the wounds; other reports described captured U. S. Soldiers being buried alive (Wikipedia, 1990). This cause and effect cycle was mutually destructive; in the end, both sides were blatantly breaking the Laws of War. John White was one American that understood the effectiveness of cultural understanding. He was a former American soldier that served as an officer in the Philippine Constabulary and led foreign indigenous troops in combat. His experiences served as a perfect example of the positive effects achieved by applying cultural understanding. In 1928 he wrote a book describing how he built a unified and highly effective combat unit of indigenous people that were both Muslim and Christian. These specialized squads would hunt down the insurgents into their own domain and defeat them in battle. Some of the keys to his success were emphasizing common soldier skills, trusting the integrity of his troops, treating his subordinates and their cultures with respect and adapting proven army methods to the native culture. He became fluent in Spanish and lived among his soldiers and the native people (2009, Dimarco). White was hugely successful in overcoming the insurgency by understanding their culture and adapting his knowledge of combat operations and tactics to fit his operating environment. Operation Iraqi Freedom The roots of the problems we face in Iraq stemmed from the strategic level. McFate, explained how some policy makers misunderstood the tribal nature of the Iraqi culture and assumed that the government would remain stable even after Saddam’s regime was overthrown. Consequentially, without any governmental structure the tribes assumed control and once the Ba’thists lost their power, the tribal network became the backbone of the insurgency. The Iraqi tribal insurgency was born from American cultural ignorance (McFate, 2004, p. 44). Cultural misunderstanding continued to be our weakness with the misinterpretation of certain symbols and gestures. American forces often associated the black flag as the opposite of surrender but among the Shia population it is a religious symbol. Consequently, many Shia who flew the black were shot unnecessarily for displaying their religious beliefs. Another example is how the American signal for stop was often misinterpreted since this gesture means welcome in Iraq; as you can imagine, this resulted in tragedy as well (2004, p. 44). In 2006, Elkhamri witnessed numerous appointments of powerful political figures solely based family-ties and political affiliations. He met Iraqi Commanders who were promoted from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel exclusively for political reasons. Naturally, these shady antics did not go over well with the local populace. With a better under ¬standing of the social-political framework, leaders could prevent these situations and earn the trust and respect of the community (2007, p. 111). Inversely, understanding the culture and society of your COE can positively impact military operations. By recognizing that pre-existing social structures were key to political stabilization, British Brigadier Andrew Kennett implemented historical lessons learned by adjusting to local cultures and understanding the inner workings of the tribal hierarchy. He learned that the most important element of the Iraqi society is the tribe and their supporters and observed the tribal relationship between currency and loyalty. Knowing this, he appointed tribal leaders to the local councils and gave them money to distribute. By doing this, he empower the sheiks and gained favor with the local tribes (McFate, 2007, p. 45). General Odierno understood how the structure of any insurgency always mirrors the structure of the indigenous society; with this notion he tasked two junior intelligence analysts to construct a chart in order to locate Saddam. By identifying, depicting and tracking key figures’ nterrelationships, social status, and last-known locations, this intelligence led the 4th ID troops directly to Saddam Hussein (McFate, 2007, p. 45). This turning point in the war stemmed from the leadership’s knowledge of the Iraqi society and culture. Counter Argument There are some that believe cultural understanding is over rated and over emphasized. In some military subcultures, hardened emotions and apathy towards your enemies’ culture and interests correlates to strength, courage and fearlessness. Some argue that the Warrior Ethos contradicts with cultural understanding and COIN doctrine. Many years ago, my friend SSG Delagarza jokingly said, â€Å"My definition of hearts and minds is two in the heart, one in the mind† and yes, we all laughed because that was part of being in that subculture. There are situations where this hardened mindset is essential to mission success, but just as we need to select the right weaponry for each planned target, we need to select the proper approach for each military operation and situation. Selecting the proper weaponry and the proper approach is a key decision that is based on thorough analysis of every aspect of your enemy and AO. Cultural knowledge of your enemy goes hand in hand with the strategy and tactics used to defeat them. A former commander and one of the hardest Rangers I ever met used to always tell us, â€Å"You got to be hard AND smart. † It was a simple little phrase that we usually ignored but it’s always stuck with me. Now that I have grown as an NCO and leader, I realize what he was saying. There are times to use your brawn by showing overwhelming aggression and firepower but there are also times to use your intellect by employing the most efficient methods to handle a situation. As a young first sergeant I learned the hard way. There were times my hard charging methods of demanding battalion staff NCOs to â€Å"do their job and fix the problem† may have worked, but in due course I realized that I was destroying critical relationships and losing all rapport with supporting elements. The secondary effects were evident by the lack willing support from these same staff sections for months to follow. Ironically, the trickle-down effect eventually affected the ones I was so adamantly fighting for, my Soldiers. Conclusion I believe the U. S. will always overcome any military adversary with our verwhelming land, sea and air superiority, advanced intelligence, technology, weaponry and training but at what cost? In today’s asymmetric environment, direct action may not always be the best option. The finesse of properly executed cultural diplomacy may be an effective force multiplier. There is a significant need to train every Soldier on effectively implementing cultural understanding, especially at the lowest level. With an advanced understanding of our COE’s culture, society, geography and anthropology we could achieve success swiftly, efficiently and most importantly with considerably less casualties. References