Monday, September 30, 2019

Indias Socio Economic Scenario Health And Social Care Essay

Equally far as India ‘s socio-economic scenario is concerned, four socio-economic scenarios were developed for India, in line with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change counsel, for usage with the clime scenarios and for input to the mold of clime impacts on different sectors ( International Institute for Population Sciences & A ; ORC Macro 2001 ) . The socio-economic scenarios for India are consistent with national growing programs in the short and average term. Policy way and societal values are the two dimensions on which the socio-economic model of India is based on. In which, policy orientation can be either inward looking or globally incorporate and societal values focus on either economic growing or environmental consciousness. Mahal, A. , J. Singh ( 2000 ) further explains it stating ‘the alternate waies along the policy axis correspond to India ‘s degree of integrating on planetary policy issues and models for back uping development. Quadrants I and II reflect a more inward-looking attack to planetary policies and pacts, coupled with bid and control-style policies for ordinance at a domestic degree. Quadrants III and IV reflect stronger integrating with the planetary community, and a displacement towards market-based mechanisms as a footing for ordinance and economic growing. The societal values axis reflects the scope of possibilities from a pure focal point on economic growing, to emphasis on environmental and societal protection. Quadrants I and III correspond to activities that promote economic and industrial development, along with stronger engagement by the private sector in traditionally public sector activities. Quadrants II and IV, by contrast, reflect societal values that place a higher concern for societal and environmental issues above economic growing ‘ . However, S.C. Tiwari, Aditya Kumar and Ambrish Kumar ( 2004 ) stated that the normally used available graduated tables for measuring of socio-economic position ( SES ) with some cross regional pertinence are old and have lost their relevancy. There is a demand for the development of a valid and dependable instrument for measuring of SES in rural and urban communities in India. On appropriate and executable steps, the socio-economic position is assessed on the inactive and dynamic status of physical infrastructure- by the Numberss of paramedical, technician and medical staff employed, every bit good as figures for attending and gender dislocation ; by the supply, quality and scope of drugs ; by handiness and use of decentralized unfastened and care support of centres ; and by existent handiness of research lab, diagnostic and service facilities- in relation to the patient satisfaction ( Kaveri Gill 2009 ) . In Indian conditions the rural wellness attention has been put steadfastly on the docket and is on the right path with the institutional alterations it has wrought within the wellness system. Health is a cosmopolitan human demand for all cultural groups. General wellness can non be attained or maintained without unwritten wellness. The oral cavity is regarded as the mirror of the organic structure and the gate manner of good wellness ( Navneet Grewal and Manpreeth Kaur 2007 ) . The influences of the urbanisation and the modern nutrient wonts have surely made the Indian population at par with the universe population, but still Mayer. MP, De Paiva Buishchi and Oliveira LB ( 2003 ) claimed that the unwritten hygienic patterns of the Indian Population have non changed much with the altering times and tendencies. Where as, the universe population is more cognizant of the regular visit to the tooth doctor, chiefly, because it was initiated by the parents of the kids or, even by, the tooth doctors themselves. Such an from the portion of the parents is losing among the people of India, and a thought arousing action from the dental practicians or professionals is yet to take topog raphic point. Oral wellness position in India is traditionally evaluated utilizing clinical indices. There is turning involvement to cognize how subjective steps relate to results of unwritten wellness ( Jamil David, Anne M Astrome and Nina J Wang 2006 ) . Several subjective unwritten wellness indexs have been developed to measure functional, societal and psychological unwritten wellness results runing from individual point planetary indexs, such as satisfaction with unwritten wellness and satisfaction with visual aspect of dentitions, to complex stock lists and hiting systems ( Skaret E, Astrom AN and Haugejorden O 2004 ) . In the societal conditions of India minimal significance is given to the visual aspect factor in the rural conservative communities. Even so, since long clip, assorted types of unwritten wellness care stuffs have been used and infinite Numberss of dental wellness information plans have been conducted in schools and other scenes ( Kagami. N, Maki. Y and Takaesu. Y 1997 ) . Here Kagami. et. Al is speaking about a universe phenomena that has been progressively found in the universe population. This is where in footings of unwritten wellness wonts and modus operandis Indian mass should hold taken much involvement in at that place bettering socio economic position. The importance of measuring the socio economic position was put away by Whiteside, K. and Woolcock, M. ( 2004 ) , stating, ‘Socio-economic position is one of the most of import variables in societal scientific discipline studies/researches. It plays a important function in planning and executing of developmental plans and, hence, there is a demand for the development of a valid and dependable instrument for the measuring of SES. Socio-economic position of a household would intend the ranking of the household in the surroundings to which the household belongs, in regard of defined variables namely, physical assets, economic position, instruction, business, societal place, societal engagement, caste, musculus power, political influence, etc. Some elements of the above variables have a inclination to travel together ‘ .Socio economic inequalities in the usage of unwritten wellness attention services in IndiaIndia is the 2nd largest thickly settled state in the universe, with a population of more than one billion in 2001. Socioeconomic, demographic and wellness indexs are demoing a really hapless status of the general population. It has been observed that people of lower socioeconomic position frequently do non avail the bing generative wellness attention services, peculiarly unwritten wellness attention service. Both socioeconomic and demographic factors, nevertheless, have been shown to hold a peculiarly great influence on usage of wellness attention services ( Bhatia J and Cleland J. 1995 ) . Higher instruction degrees influence the usage of wellness services in many ways such as regular visit to the tooth doctor and so on, among the urban population of the society. Even so merely like in many southeasterly civilizations the ( Goodburn EA, Gazi R, & A ; Chowdhury M. 1995 ) the usage of preventative wellness services even in the field of unwritten wellness service is perceived to be bing entirely on healing intents ( Poula G & A ; Stephenson R. 2001 ) . Measuring the socio economic position in relation to unwritten wellness factors is, in fact, a hunt from general wellness to wellbeing. Equally far as the assorted civilizations of India is concerned the unwritten wellness factor of Indian population include three major facets Such as: A ) Health System and Oral wellness services B ) Socio-economic and cultural hazard factors C ) Environmental hazard factors. It is of import to retrieve the fact that Indian community has been loosely divided into tribal, rural and urban societies ( Dr. Judith Macky and Dr. Michel Eriksen 1995 ) . The folk in India live in pronounced isolation. They have really typical civilization rites and accustomed hygienic activities and wellness attention. They are evidently considered to be socio-economically backward in many steps in the modern-day universe. The rural societies are village societies which are in fact based on agricultural economic system and are still really conservative to the past traditions . And the urban society is based on non-agricultural businesss such as industries, IT and so on. However the interaction between the different groups of the society to certain degree is made possible through many authorities organisational plans ( Lal S, Singh BM & A ; Punia MS.1997 ) . Traveling about with the intent of developing a dependable and valid instrument for mensurating the socio-economic position one has to get down the exercising of grouping the items/elements together with the aid of available experts ( Oral wellness workers and tooth doctors ) every bit good as available standard socio-economic position appraisal graduated tables. Socio-economic position of a household would intend the ranking of the household in the surroundings to which the household belongs, in regard of defined variables such as physical assets, economic position, instruction, business, societal place, societal engagement, caste, musculus power, political influence and so on. ‘Some elements of the above variables have a inclination to travel together ‘ ( Shirpurkar GRI. 1967 ) .Formulation of appraisal methodsAt initial phase, some known indexs of socio-economic position such as house, material ownership, instruction, business, income, land, caste and societal engageme nt were listed. The prepared list of socio-economic position indexs would be submitted to experts to analyse and notice on the relevance of those indexs in the present context ( Srivastava GP. 1978 ) . Then a profile should be geared up out of the elements approved by the expert, look intoing along with another factors in the profile is the unwritten wellness attention necks and plans with their scope of influence and credence by/in different communities and societies among the population. Therefore, the first bill of exchange will hold seven to eight profiles make up one's minding the socio-economic position. These profiles will be house profile, material ownership profile, instruction profile, business profile, economic profile, cultivated land profile, and societal profile and wellness attention service profile. The last profile can be divided into preventative and curableness steps. The disposal of these bill of exchanges among the people will give an accurate appraisal of the s ocio-economic position. After the disposal and re-administration the bill of exchanges needs to be send to the experts for the concluding analysis.Addressing the Validity of methods at big and among Indian PopulationThe graduated tables of measuring socio-economic position in every community are prone to alter due to the dynamism of human being. Most of the bing graduated tables seem to hold lost this ability to spot right indices are still in usage. The indicant here is mensurating the socio economic position harmonizing to the wellness and wellness attention issues of an person or a household. The chief short coming seems to be the perceptual experience of goodness and satisfaction people have about the wellness and wellness satisfaction is changed with clip and the methods need to be upgraded consequently. It is, hence, necessary that necessary inventiveness is brought to bear to develop appropriate graduated table for the measuring of socio-economic position ( Depleuch, F. , A. Cornu, P. Massamba, P. Trissac and B. Marie. 2002 ) Equally far as India is concerned most of import resource of the state is its 1027 million population ( 2001 nose count ) , distributed in 28 States, 7 Union Territories, 5564, tehsils/talukas, 640,000 small towns and 5161 towns and metropoliss ( Ashish Bose. 2001 ) . Oral wellness attention of necessity has to be delivered through primary wellness attention substructure, because of limited resources and manpower of tooth doctors. More than 70 % of the population is rural and merely about 30 % lives in urban countries of which more than half lives in slums. ‘Tertiary degree infirmaries, territory infirmaries, nursing places, private practicians and non governmental organisations provide wellness services. Besides these, municipal corporations besides provide services ; nevertheless, these services are ill organized. Urban ICDS undertakings provide services on geographical footing. Health policy 2002 envisages beef uping of urban wellness services. RCH urban undertakings have be en launched to increase the coverage of wellness services for vulnerable. Variable dental wellness services in urban countries are available-through public and private set up ‘ . ( Dr. Hari Parkash and Dr. Naseem Ahmed. 2001 ) . There is an pressing demand for an Oral Health Policy for the state as an built-in portion of the National Health Policy. The Indian diary of community medical specialty 2004 has proposed an Oral Health Care Program, which envisages three tined execution schemes of ; Oral Health Education, Preventive Program and Curative Service Program at assorted degrees of primary, secondary and third wellness attention bringing services. Oral wellness has been recognized as an built-in portion of general wellness. What people do with their lives and those of their kids affects their wellness, including unwritten wellness, far more than anything that authoritiess do. But what they can make is determined by their income and cognition based on their socio-economic pos ition. Over the old ages grounds based â€Å" Information † on unwritten wellness has accumulated in the state but this is mostly confined to dental clinics, infirmaries and a few schools. The challenge is to set the available information into pattern at every home/family and community. It is the information which can promote/improve the unwritten wellness of 1000000s of immature kids, school kids, striplings and grownups as besides pregnant adult females and aged people, provided it gets communicated. Therefore, the biggest challenge before us is to accept the challenge of communicating of â€Å" facts for unwritten wellness † to all ; in rural, urban and tribal and distant countries. ‘Hygiene is embedded in Indian civilization and it is the manner of life. Let us advance autochthonal clip tested patterns, of rinsing oral cavity with apparent H2O after each repast, rub downing gums and dentitions and cleaning oral cavity with finger after each repast, advancing traditional diets, brushing of dentitions, avoiding smoke, masticating pans and baccy in assorted signifiers ‘ ( Bali RK, Mathur VB, Tewari A and Jayna P. 1994 ) . Much will depend upon local attempts, as to how the instructors are trained and what responsibilities they take up on regular and sustained footing? Students follow what the instructors do and state and the instructors are considered as good function theoretical accounts to convey values of life and ways of life in the school as besides outside the school. Regularly one hr is devoted in each school for socially utile and productive work and that hr can be used for larning right brushing technique and rinsing the unwritten pit with safe H2O, as besides rinsing of custodies and film editing of nails. In our experience, whenever instructors brushed their dentitions, pupils followed and it became a everyday exercising of day-to-day brushing of dentitions in guided mode. Determining ways of life and personality developme nt of school kids during simple instruction is the cardinal duty of school instructors and parents as besides the community. Mid twenty-four hours meal plan activities can be used as spring board to develop other behaviours such as lavation of custodies and rinse of unwritten pit after each repast, eating balanced diets, imbibing clean H2O and eating clean nutrient. School kids can be used as embassadors of wellness messages to their places and vicinity and can move as alteration agents. Child to child plan in the school or out of school is yet another attack to construct healthy life manners. Whatever chapters are contained in the school course of study these need to be translated into seeable actions through unrecorded presentation. Students need to be demonstrated rinsing and oral cavity wash after repast, demo them the content of oral cavity wash and allow them respond and take part in treatment and range to decision ( Gupta SC & A ; Kapoor VK. 2002 ) .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Education Reflection papers Essay

Reflection Students Can Improve by Studying their Learning Processes Before I started my student-teaching at the UBHS, I listed down some of my observations with the Grade 8 students like their strengths and weaknesses. This is why I formulated my goals and objectives that I need to achieve in order to address these concerns when I will be teaching them. Most of the students are actively participating but there are times that they are too active to handle. When they get bored during the discussion, they start talking creating nuisance and distraction on the teacher’s part. On the other hand, most of them also are expressive into sharing their feelings and experiences to the class. When I ask them what they felt unto a certain experience, they can describe this in details. But when I tell them to write it as an essay or in few paragraphs, they are unable to do so. Moreover, I also observed that students keep making the same error during Science classes especially in the problem -solving activities. The worst part is that they don’t really mind if they fail maybe, because most of them are doing it. I can foresee that this is becoming a habit and when they are promoted to the next level, it would be the same problem all over again unless they decide to change this cycle. It’s a good thing that I read this article when I was preparing my orientation with the class before I would be their teacher. At the very first day that I entered the room as their teacher, I introduced my rules on behavior, attitude and classroom management. Along with attitude, I told them that in my class, â€Å"Science is not only about intellect but it also includes perseverance, determination and other virtues they should keep in mind.† I shared to them what I read in this article, that they should know their learning processes in order to improve not only their grades but also their learning strategies. â€Å"According to the principles of learning, Learning is an active process whic h is activated by the learner himself†. On the other hand, â€Å"Learning is a painful process but it is non-sense if you got hurt and learned nothing. So, get up, face your mistakes and make it right this time.† These are my words to them which got their attention and until now, they keep on reflecting on them and finding out what this means to them. Every time I got the chance, it may annoy them but I keep on reminding them these principles. Whenever they got low scores during quizzes, â€Å"I ask them, so what should you do about it?† I pause and  say, â€Å"That’ right, find out where you went wrong and next time don’t make the same error again. In that way, you will make-up for the lost points while gaining up confidence for your achievement. Don’t give up with just few failures; instead use these failures to motivate you to learn a lot more.† Sometimes, I think I’m not teaching Science anymore or I’m teaching Science less. My objectives in my lesson are to define terms, derive formulas, demonstrate the concept, etc. but it seems at the end of the lesson, I wasn’t able to achieve them ‘cause I discussed more on how to improve their study habits, attitude, behavior. After teaching with them in almost three weeks, I noticed that with the self-regulated assessment, most had improved with this experimental method. I think it’s a slow, long process like the evolution but with patience, perseverance and other necessary characteristics, I will be able to achieve this goal. I hope that during my stay with them, I will be able to help the students not only to survive but also to excel. Source: Glenn, D.The Education Digest.September 2010. p.13-20 Reflection 3 Using Humor in the Classroom It’s a trend for the students to have a misconception and pre-conviction that Science is a stone-cold, serious and boring subject. This is why few are interested to listen during Science classes and which is also why it makes our job as Science teachers a lot more difficult. According to this article and the principles of teaching, using humor is effective for the students to like the teacher. At first, I don’t really care if the students like me or not just as long as they listen to me. But at the students’ age and level of maturity, it’s a pre-requisite for them to like me so they will listen to me. So, I started adding the enough sense of humor during my Science classes. And, it works, at least most of the time. Just like what the article says, â€Å"the benefits of humor is that it can help capture and retain students’ attention, reduce stress and anxiety, increase student motivation and participation, promote a sense of acceptance in class tha t allows students to think in creative and divergent ways and others.† Humor has really helped me a lot into refraining my students sleep during my classes. However, I have to admit that sometimes I go too far and make inappropriate jokes. Just like everything, there is a need of balance. Too much of  anything is not good so just like what this article say, there should only be small doses of humor just enough to maintain the students’ attention which is also appropriate for their age and status. There are also times that students can hardly connect at the essence of my jokes. I think it’s because my jokes are sometimes outdated or too complicated for them to deduct. So, I associate my jokes with the current trends along with my lesson. I also use the terms they use with their peers like â€Å"boom-panes†, â€Å"ice-bucket challenge† and other trendy words at the moment. In choosing an instructional materials and preparing activies, I see to it that it is fun, funny and explorative but at the same time informative and educational. For example, when I had my lesson on Work as defined in Physics, I made them perform a role-playing activity. In order for the students to be attentive, I asked them to re-enact the work done by a ballot vendor, â€Å"bote-landok† buyer and seller, a beauty queen and a secretary. I chose those attention-seekers in the class to do the activity and I was impressed how they were able to give a very energetic performance. I enjoyed it personally and so does the audiences which are the other students. In this way, the students laughed and learned a lot in relation to our topic. Just like what the article says, there are positive and negative effects of humor. When used properly, it enhances learning in many ways but when it is misused, it can hurt the students’ as well as the teacher’s feelings. Therefore, in using humor, proceed with caution and use it wisely. Source: Ivy, L. The Education Digest. October 2013. p.54-57 Reflection 1 Creativity: A Cure for the Common Curriculum Students love it when I compare them to the process of metamorphosis. I tell them that they are just caterpillars for now and soon, they will become beautiful and colorful butterflies. In order to achieve metamorphosis in the world of Education, Creativity is not only a miscellaneous but rather a need in the students’ learning process. However, in this day and age, few students realize the importance of enhancing their own innate creative being. In the classes that I taught, I observed that there are hesitations which hinder them into letting out their creative self. They are afraid to make mistakes or try then fail. They think they are doomed if they fail once  or twice. This is why I always assure them that in my class, there are no wrong answers but instead there are trials, lots of trials in order to arrive at the correct answer. Whenever they answer and their answer does not directly address my question, I ask them supplemental questions until we arrive at the main poin t. In this way, they hone their convergent and divergent thinking ability which are requirements of Creativity. In the traditional curriculum, students are trained to follow patterns and do things by the textbook. Yes, this is essential for the students should be oriented of the basics and disciplines. However, they must also learn how to do things their own way, create new things and innovate from what they know, from what they learned. This is why in my Science class, I require my students to create and design things. Just like when we had the lesson on the law of motions, I required my students to make a paper-balloon car which is functional, durable and presentable. When they submitted their outputs, I can see that they have the potentials and that they can do more. So I appreciated their effort and recognized their ingenuity and innovativeness. I also gave recommendations for them to improve. On the contrary, it’s hard to measure the creativity presented in their product. So I learned that in process and product-assessment activities, there should really be a reliable and valid rubric to be prepared so that the students will have a guide into creating things. According to the article, â€Å"Creative tasks are, by nature, ambiguous with no clear right or wrong answers. Such tasks require taking intellectual risks, trying, evaluating and discarding ideas, and making connections.† In reality, there are lot of difficulties in infusing creativity in my lesson and curriculum as a teacher. I’m realizing it now that creativity is not taught in few settings but rather it is honed and developed through time. It’s a holistic process which involves all the learning areas and dimensions. It is not only the brain (cognitive domain) involved in this process but also the heart (affective domain) and body (psychomotor domain) as well. However, I am still hoping that with more experience and practice, I’ll be able achieve this creative goal of mine. Source: Berret, D.The Education Digest.October 2013. p.13-20 Reflection 4 Classroom Control In the traditional classroom setting, teachers can literally spank those students who are misbehaving. It seemed effective back then like the friars in the Spanish period but it only instilled fear and forced obedience among the students. With the principles of teaching-learning and also with my personal experience, I strongly oppose this as a method of controlling the class. This is neither effective nor complement the students’ learning process. During my teachings at the UB-High School, first on my list of difficulties is how to manage the class. Most of the Grade 8 students are highly active in making noises rather than in participating during the discussion of the lesson and other activities. What really annoys me is that they are unaware that they are distracting me even if their chatter is louder than my voice. They think they’re innocent of such fault. After reading this article, I started to draw my plans in implementing classroom management strategies. It†™s a good thing that at the first day of my teaching with them, I oriented them of my expectations into behaving into class. Every now and then, I keep reminding them of the house rules that we established following Ivan Pavlov’s conditioning technique. Just like what the article suggested, I pause for a while whenever most of the students are noisy and I make a strong direct gaze at the offenders until they get the message to stop their noise. If it doesn’t work, I sit instead and let their classmates call the attention of those misbehaving. I also try the numbers game. I tell the class that I would give them at least two minutes to settle down before we can proceed. If it is break time, I tell them that I would not dismiss them until they are all well-behaved or I dismiss the behaved ones on time but I let the offenders stay in the classroom a little bit longer so I can have a talk with them. As much as possible, I refrain from embarrassing the students who are misbehaving. So I tell the class to stop teasing the student whom I called his/her attention. There are times that I go near the st udents who are being noisy instead of calling out their names. I would stare at them while I would still be discussing the lesson to avoid interruptions. I thought my grooming would be irrelevant with the lesson discussion but students are actually bothered if I didn’t groom neatly and properly. There are times that instead of asking something related to the topic, they would ask if I wore my uniform properly comparing me to the other student-teachers. They also care about my hair and make-up, shoes,  nail polish and accessories. They made me conscious then of what I’m supposed to wear because I realized that I will earn their respect somehow by dressing professionally. Not all students are misbehaving so I also give praises and encouragement to those who are behaving properly so that they can be the role-models of the class. I give credits to them so they will continue their good behavior and not be discouraged if all the attention goes to the noisy ones. There are really difficulties when it comes to managing the class especially that we are student-teachers and most students don’t abide with us because of this. We still have to earn their respect through time and exposure. We have established routines, disciplinary measures and other strategies to manage t he class. Therefore, patience and endurance are the key values needed. Source: Andrew Ilagan. The Educator. March-April 2013 Reflection 2 Hands-On Science To many students, Science might be a unicorn or a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow. They do not appreciate the reality of the lessons being discussed in Science. In the traditional lesson proper of the Science subjects, students are asked to read and memorize definitions and terms with just theoretical explanations. Sometimes, it’s like telling a fairy tale like the unicorn and leprechaun that I mentioned. With the new K-12 curriculum today, students are made to explore in order to deepen their understanding with the concepts. How? Through having experiential learning activities such as laboratory activities and varied approaches and instructional materials in teaching Science, students are able to transfer or convert the theoretical knowledge into a concrete experience. And with my teaching experience and the principles of teaching-learning backing me up, these are more effective methods for the teaching-learning process. According to the article, resourcefulness is one o f the most important qualities of a science teacher. Conducting laboratory activities and presenting real objects for the lesson could be a challenge especially if the resources are scarce at the teacher’s location. This is why as a Science teacher, I should be able to substitute, improvise and customize as suggested in this article. At the UB- High School, the Science Department’s  projector is not functional. So instead of presenting video clips and animations which I find very helpful, I demonstrate or I let the students demonstrate the concept with the real objects to explore. I also give the students varied activities like role-playing, designing, composing jingles/songs and other group-works so they will actively participate with the lesson proper instead of me just talking in front. However, in conducting these activities, the class should be oriented of the rules and guidelines which must be observed before, during and after each activity. Organization is essential so the task will be carried out in accordance to the objectives to be accomplished. Instructions should also be given clearly and carefully. Curiosity among the students should also be developed. In my classes, I always encourage my students to be asking questions if they didn’t understand the lesson and they shouldn’t hesitate into asking questions especially if it’s a â€Å"what if?†. As a Science teacher, I also promote creativity and innovation. At their young minds, I believe they can create and design peculiar things which can be productive. I gave my students a task on designing a balloon car and some of them surprised me. It is fulfilling on my part as a teacher that they submitted more than what I expected them to. For those who were not able to excel, I encourage them to do better next time and don’t give up trying. In general, many say that Science is a difficult subject but I say, sometimes it depends on the teacher. No task is that hard to a person who is dedicated to her work. Source: Reyett Paunan. The Educator. March-April 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Resources-Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resources-Benefits - Essay Example There have been many efforts to implement pay-for-performance programs in the health care industry ever since 2003. However, these incentive systems in the past either focused on outcome measures or process measures in healthcare. While the outcome measures rewarded health care providers based on the health outcomes of patients the process measures assessment took into account whether the hospitals have followed the recommended clinical guidelines. As such, both these measures had their own drawbacks. On the other hand, the advantage of HIVBP is that it follows a mixture of both outcome and process measures. The author also advocates that the salient feature of HIVBP is that it rewards hospitals based on improvements upon their past performance. As a result, the hospitals need to improve the quality of their healthcare to compete against themselves rather than against their competitors. One of the major drawbacks of the previously employed outcomes measures was that it failed to acco mmodate such acute health care centers where patients with least chances of survival were treated. As a result, mortality rates in such hospitals grew higher than hospitals that treat comparatively healthy patients. Thus, the incentive system of rewarding hospitals based on outcome measures proved to be unfair and the introduction of HIVBP could effectively address these drawbacks of earlier reward systems in healthcare. Similarly, HIVBP also seeks to reward hospitals based on process measures such as adherence to certain standard practices of healthcare. The HIVBP also has provisions to bring about timely revisions to its standards by continually adding more of relevant process measures assessment indicators. However, the HIVBP Medicare has its own limitations too. As HIVBP incentive system rewards both achievement and improvement it is easier for high performing hospitals with lots of resources to get rewarded compared to low performing hospitals that lack both resources and infra structural facilities. There is also the danger of hospitals turning their face away from hard-to-treat patients. In spite of these shortcomings, the author argues that pay-for-performance programs will reward quality over quantity and that the current Medicare program (HIVBP) is competent enough to address most of the shortcomings of the previous incentive systems in the healthcare system of the nation. Marcus’ article on the concept of pay-for-performance has larger implications on the healthcare benefits of the workforce of the nation. It is sure that the passage of the Affordable Care Act would bring about a radical restructuring of employer-sponsored health benefits in the United States. Researchers such as Singhal, Stueland & Ungerman (2011, p. 2) predict that â€Å"overall, 30 percent of employers will definitely or probably stop offering ESI in the years after 2014.† The authors also pinpoint that Employer Sponsored Health Insurance will pave way for other bene fit offerings or higher salaries which will be more beneficial for the employers. The researchers are of the opinion that most of the employees will continue their jobs even if the employer stops providing ESI. On the other hand, every employee will be seeking for

Friday, September 27, 2019

Essay style analysis on an international director Research Paper

Essay style analysis on an international director - Research Paper Example He published some early short stories in that magazine, the first of which was entitled â€Å"Gas.† The main character is a woman who believes that she is being brutally attacked on the streets of Paris, but it turns out that she was only hallucinating, under the influence of anesthetic gas in her dentist’s chair. Later, he became interested in photography and joined the London branch of Paramount Pictures as a title-card designer (used in the silent movies that were popular during that time period). Between 1920 and 1925, he began the rise from title-card designer to movie director. Many of Hitchcock’s first projects turned out badly, beginning with the unlucky film Number 13, which was canceled because of a lack of investors. His first success was The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog. Many of his later cinematic techniques also appeared in this first hit – as did the notion of the â€Å"wrong man.† Marrying his assistant director, Alma Reville, in 1926, Hitchcock would soon move into the â€Å"talkies† (movies with sound), also with considerable success. His feature Blackmail was the first British feature film to be completed with sound. Another Hitchcockian motif that would become famous first appeared in this film, as the climax of the story occurs on the dome of the British Museum. Later, such landmarks as Mount Rushmore would feature prominently in suspenseful sequences in his films. Another motif that would become well-known was his own practice of making cameo appearances in his own movies; in Blackmail, he is sitting on the subway reading, while a small boy bothers him. In 1939, Hitchc0ck came to the United States to work in Hollywood, as part of a seven-year contract with David O. Selznick. However, Hitchcock was less happy during this time period as he had been previously, as Selznick began to encounter periodic money problems and took considerable creative control away from Hitchcock. His first American movie was

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The effects of organisational change and the feedback of the change on Dissertation

The effects of organisational change and the feedback of the change on productivity in large organisations (financial industry) - Dissertation Example This large amount of decentralisation rendered in the organisation helps in generating a skilled work atmosphere in the concern which thereby helps in enhancing the productivity of the labour forces. Large amount of technological innovation rendered in the workplace systems through the installation of computer technology works to a great extent in altering the organisational culture to become more sophisticated and much faster in meeting organisational objectives. However it is argued in this regard that mere incorporation of newer processes and technologies in the organisational sphere does not solve the game unless a proper set of practices are regulated for its steady implementation. (Hakanson, 2-5). In regards to the above discussion focus can be rendered on the effects of organisational change like incorporation of information technology resources on the productivity parameter of financial organisations like insurance industries. It is found that the extensive use of information technology in the insurance industry has helped in the effective processing of financial information which helps in the optimal management of insurance claims made by different people. Coupled with the introduction of information technology the organisational systems of the insurance industries also were made to undergo some basic organisational changes like rendering of large scale decentralisation which helped in enhancing productivity. It was observed that the enhanced use of information technology in the insurance industries helped the insurance companies to develop larger network channels. This enhancement in the channel network of the insurance industries helped in augmenting the growth of marketing activities and also eased then premium collection process. Furthermore the increased use of information technology rendered in the insurance industries also helped in reducing the cost of maintenance of distribution and marketing channels. Reduction in the operational cost helped the insurance industries to make large number of investments in incorporating better technological processes and innovation systems thereby enhancing the productivity of the firms. (Matassa, Neirotti, and Paolucci, 1-6). Research Questions and Objectives Research Questions The paper divulges to answer the following research questions in regards to the issue of rendering changes in the organizational structure, systems and processes. Firstly it endeavours to highlight on the degree of changes that can be rendered in the basic organisational structure. Secondly it focuses on the processes through which such organisational changes so planned can be rightly implemented in the existing organisational system. Thirdly the paper endeavours to highlight on the effect of such changes brought about in the organisational structure in affecting the productivity parameter of the companies. Fourthly the paper in regards to the above discussion focuses on the case of a specific industry belonging t o the financial world. Research Objectives The paper while endeavouring to answer

Informal interview(HRD) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Informal interview(HRD) - Essay Example He has to set the daily roster, look for new and novel things for the employees, interact with them and facilitate in solving their day to day issues, look after their needs and wants, discuss options to safeguard their organizational rights and basically take the message of the employees towards the higher management realms. The rationale for choosing this person was that Mr. Jack is a renowned person within his field and all employees have something good to say about him. It shows that Mr. Jack has a very commendable relationship with the employees as well as the people with whom he is connected on a personal as well as a professional level. He likes to maintain his links with the people even though they are not working with the same organization any more. I believe that choosing Mr. Jack for this interview is also based on how well he has been able to bring confidence within his personality and how much people can learn from him and his actions. He is a thorough professional who b elieves in success and brings out the very best through his actions and behaviors on a daily basis. I asked Mr. Jack how he got along with people from different backgrounds and how he would cope with someone who was not easy to come by. I even asked him how he would react to changing policies of the organization which he believed would ransack the basis of association that existed between the organization and its employees. I inquired from Mr. Jack how he would go with the recent upsurge in downsizing by most organizations and what he would do to make sure that there was complete job security within his organization. I discerned the basis of his attachment with the recent trends and developments within the Human Resources field and what he shall do to make sure that everything remained in line with the policies of the land where the company existed. Lastly I requested Mr. Jack to let me know how he would foster positive ties with the people who have left the organization and hold so me form of resentment and disgruntled feelings (Saunders 2004). I learned quite a few things from what Mr. Jack had to tell me. He was forthright and candid about his approach towards doing things his way, which was in accordance with the rules and policies of the organization. He told me there was a great amount of growth within his field and anyone can take up the Human Resources arena to extract the best mileage out of his education. He even told me that a career switch towards the Human Resources field would bring in higher stakes in terms of money, an excellent profession and above all linkages with the people who hailed from different backgrounds and ethnicities. It even allowed an individual to learn new things and get acquainted with discussions which he had never put his eye upon. Mr. Jack was very comprehensive as far as the answering of his questions were concerned and I saw that his eye contact did not break even for a single second – which suggested for his hones ty which he was delivering through his verbal and nonverbal communication regimes. In the end, I would suggest that interviewing Mr. Jack was indeed something which can be regarded as a positive point for me. It helped me understand what a wonderful personality Mr. Jack is. It also assisted me in comprehending how he takes the different avenues of life in his

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Literature review for my dissertation which is in ( analysis and

Literature review for my which is in ( analysis and valuation of three companies in petrochemical industry) - Dissertation Example The hazardous materials transportation act and the pollution prevention act are significant among these. According to the first act, the Department of Transportation gets the authority to control the transportation of such materials including the petrochemicals. Furthermore, the USA government has become increasingly active and concerned about the safety and environmental areas for this petrochemical transportation. Adding to it, the state governments are also taking interests in the issues affecting the petrochemical industry such as the specific charges and taxes, reduction of toxic use and hazardous waste as well as state right-to-know statutes (U.S Department of Commerce, 1994, p.11-5). Economic Factors The recent recession has emerged as devastating for the leading economies across the globe including USA. The rise in the oil has also contributed to the rise of the Petrochemical product prices. As a consequence, the petrochemical organisations have been experiencing low producti on and profitability margins (Ismaiyatim, 2010). Furthermore, with the rise in the price of the petrochemical products, the demand for the same has experienced a decline leading to further shrinkage of the profit margins. Social Factors With the enhancement in the life styles of the habitants in USA, the usage of the automobiles has also been increased leading to the increase in the demand side. Technological Factors With the technological advancements, there have been changes in the mining of the petrochemical products. So, all these technological developments have been influential to decide on the mining and refining of the petrochemical products. Environmental Factors Environment is a significant influential factor to control the petrochemical industry. Federal government has come up with an act, The Pollution Prevention Act, to control the adverse effect of the petrochemical organisations. This act is a policy to eliminate or reduce the waste generation at a source, if that is f easible at that time. It directs its government to commence an appropriate program to collect the information, transfer the technology well as offering financial assistance to the states to execute this policy. In this way the federal government motivates the states to promote the waste reduction techniques at the source. Furthermore, even the state governments have become increasingly active to address the environmental and safety issues related to the petrochemical industry. European Petrochemical Industry European Petrochemical industry is one of the leading petrochemical sectors across the globe. A number of oil companies in there has dealt into the processing of raw materials using own oil refineries into some fundamental petrochemical products and even to the downstream products. The petrochemical industry in Europe is experiencing forward integration in this industry. A number of oil companies carry out petrochemical activities in several locations in Europe. Among the signif icant petrochemical companies, companies like DOW, ICI, DSM and BASF in Western Europe deal with the ethylene production in Europe. â€Å"After a series of reorganisations in the 1980s and 1990s, the changes in the European chemical industry have indeed continued: DSM’s petrochemical operations were acquired by Sabic†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Camp, 2005, p.15). A PESTLE analysis has been carried out to understand different factors

Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal Care Services by the Home Health Aide Essay

Personal Care Services by the Home Health Aide - Essay Example Steps and guidelines for common personal care. The client in need of home healthcare may require assistance in personal care. The home health aide should have skills such as bed bath, tab bathing and shower bathing. They should be conversant with the guidelines for transferring the client or lifting the client when they want to change position. Personal care skills will also include lifting the patient from the floor. The personal care skills are necessary because the client may not be able to move independently. Their mobility can be limited because they suffered from a stroke that may have caused brain damage, body weakness or caused them to have unusual posture. Correct steps in personal care eases positioning and transfer as well as, maintains comfort for the client. The steps and guidelines in personal care assist in fostering safety when moving the client. The client and the home health aide reduce the chances of injury when conducting personal care as Birchenall (2012, p. 33) mentions. A bed bath is refreshing, allows skin inspection and allows change of beddings. A bed bath begins with ensuring privacy, informing the client of the intention of bath and maintaining a good conversation. The home health aide should prepare for bath by ensuring the room temperature is warm, close door, window and curtains for confidentiality. Collect all the equipment and materials to include: big pan or bowl, two firm chairs, soap and soap dish, bathing cloth, towels, newspaper for protection of chair from becoming wet and preferred cloths. The two chairs can be placed next to the bed, and then one chair is covered with the newspapers. The soap, dish and big pan are placed on the covered chair. The other chair is for placing the beddings. Light covers can be left to make the bed have warmth. The client can be requested to cooperate or assist in removing cloths, from top to bottom. The top can be cleaned, dried out and covered with cloths before moving to the bottom. The body parts t hat are paralyzed should be the last when removing cloths. The bottom cloths should be slipped slowly from waist to knee to the feet, one side first and then the other side if the person is unable to lift weight. Only the areas being cleaned should not be covered. The water in the bowl should be half full and tested with elbow for appropriate temperature. The soap should be kept in the dish and wash cloth used as required (Birchenall and Streight, 2003, p. 66). To wash the client’s face, the neck and bellow should be covered. Dampen cloth and squeeze all water and hold all the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ibn Ishaqs Life of Muhammad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ibn Ishaqs Life of Muhammad - Essay Example One of the rulers continued in power â€Å"†¦until God sent Muhammad the prophet. I was told on the authority of al-Zuhri that he said Chosroes wrote to Badhan the following letter: ‘I have been told that a man of the Quraysh has come forth in Mecca asserting that he is a prophet.’†1 Muhammad grew up in the â€Å"brackish settlement† of Mecca, as Muhammad ibn Abd Allah.2 His father, allegedly, died before he was born. Then, to make matters worse, when Muhammad was only six years old, his mother died, leaving him an orphan. He became a shepherd and worked for his uncle. This left Muhammad in a difficult place until he became a camel driver for caravans up until about age 40. He also struggled with poverty for much of this time. Muhammad’s life was to end in triumph, however—even though it had begun with unusual sorrow. Muhammad received a vision from an angel giving him the dictum of Islam, and Ibn Ishaq recounts Muhammad’s feelings as he prepared to leave for what is now called Medina from his home city of Mecca (this journey would be called hijira). It was â€Å"†¦unusual for Ibn Ishaq to give such an intimate account of Muhammad’s state of mind [where he was praying].

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A war between the United States and Iran Essay Example for Free

A war between the United States and Iran Essay Preparations for a massive military strike on Iran are in full swing by the United States of America. But will these preparations convert to actual bombing on the ground? Are the two countries going to be embroiled in a war soon? These are the questions that are being asked everywhere, in hushed tones if it is the Pentagon corridors and terrified glances if it is the streets of Tehran. With Iran defying the UN’s call for restraint in its nuclear programme openly, it has only become successful in intensifying the speculations about the war. The issue here is â€Å"Is it inevitable? † Before we get in to the nitty-gritty of the Iranian crisis, let us look into the different causes of the wars that have been raged in the recent future. The twentieth century started with World War I in 1914 and since then, it is interesting to note that the wars have a particular pattern. The causes have always been dependent on three factors: Systemic factors, domestic politics and the role of the Decision maker. Hence, we would also try to view the US-Iran issue through this prism. However, comparing the pre-nuclear wars in a pre-nuclear age with wars in post-nuclear age would be a waste of space. Instead, it would do well if we look into the causes that can trigger a war in the present times where possessing nuclear power is not only a stark reality but also the bone of contention in this particular case. It is the claim by the Iranian government that they are ready to start developing nuclear weapons is what has triggered the whole issue. And ironically, it is the very reason that is playing a deterrent in the war. Remarkable is the fact that it is only America that is concerned with Iran trying to possess the deadly weapon. The first and foremost question that would help us in determining the fate of this discussion would be: Why is America so bothered? America, the self-declared big brother of all the nations on this planet, takes up the â€Å"burden† of maintaining peace on earth. To quote Eisenhower, â€Å"Freedom is indivisible.. †. America takes it as its personal duty to ensure that â€Å"Freedom† is maintained all over the world. If it was â€Å"Communism† that was a threat against â€Å"Freedom† during the cold war, today it is the irresponsible rulers of nations that possess or aspire to possess nuclear weapons that are threatening the â€Å"Freedom† in the world. And when Truman declared that â€Å"We cannot hope to maintain our freedom, if freedom elsewhere is wiped out†, he meant it. However, the reasons why Israeli attack on Palestine killing hundreds of civilians is not wiping out â€Å"Freedom† but North Korea developing nuclear capability is has interesting reasons. History has been witness to this characteristic of America where it deems it is her right to attack any country it wills to protect the attacked country’s â€Å"freedom†. According to Jutta Welders (Pg 37, culture of insecurity), the compelling reason for America to act in this fashion is to maintain its supremacy in the world. An act of aggression under the cloak of â€Å"Freedom fighters† becomes a necessity to project itself as a strong nation which can not only defend itself but protect other countries as well. A bright example would be the Cuban missile crisis. When this â€Å"crisis† occurred, many were of the view that it was quite unnecessary for America to take up such a strong and aggressive tone. However, it did do that and according to Jutta Weldes, it is the compelling reason to showcase its power that led it to act strong. In fact, Jutta Weldes considers the Cuban missile crisis as not a crisis at all. To quote her, â€Å".. crises are social constructions that are forged by state officials in the course of producing and reproducing state identity†. She is of the view that it depends on the social construction that makes us define a situation as â€Å"Crisis†. It depends on how we view a nation that determines whether it is a crisis or not. For example, Iran possessing nukes is such a big issue and is immediately converted into a â€Å"Crisis† whereas an equally notorious state like Pakistan possessing the deadly weapons is not. It has been time and again proved that large number of terrorist activities has their funds traced back to Pakistan. However, Pakistan escaped the whip but Iraq was destroyed in the name of WMDs! The only explanation for this is the prism that US uses to define its foreign policies. Attack the nations that would give it a chance to maintain her supremacy in the world. Attacking Pakistan would back fire as it has the capability to strike back. And attacking Iraq or Iran will definitely be easier as these countries have a notorious reputation which required some policing and also are comparative weaklings. Hence, the systemic reasons for US to wage a war against Iran are quite obvious: a chance to police a nation that has a history of supporting the biggest threat world faces today, that is, terrorism and simultaneously reaffirm its image as the superpower which it seems to be losing to China. If attacking Iran salvages some pride for US, the role of domestic politics in the whole affair plays another important role. US, the strongest nation in the world today, are also the most vulnerable to attacks by various terrorist outfits. After 9/11, it has taken its goal of fighting terrorism quite seriously. However, the path it has chosen to fight it is not very often appreciated. The aftermath of 9/11 saw it attacking Afghanistan and driving out the Taliban ruthlessly. Afghanistan was the target because it sheltered the most dangerous terrorist outfit in the world, Al-Qaeda. Their slogan was a regime change is essential for to â€Å"smoke out† the terrorist and the whole war was essentially to capture one man – Osama Bin Laden. The attack resulted in the killings of thousands of innocent Afghanistan who were already tired by the war torn politics of Taliban. America could never capture the villain. However, it overthrew Taliban and today, a â€Å"democratically† elected government exists in place of it. Is Afghanistan a changed country today? Has America finally left its shores after the war? Both the answers are No! Terrorism has been controlled and yes, America is still â€Å"guarding† Afghanistan with its air raids on civilians. The failure of capturing Osama in Laden was quite frustrating for the Bush administration and it was in search for a new scapegoat. And they found the perfect one in the form of Saddam Hussain. Suddenly, Iraq, the starving nation which was already bogged down by various sanctions and its citizens further troubled by the tyrannic rule of Saddam Hussain finds itself in the line of fire. The reasons given are quite fishy. America is suddenly in possession of confidential information that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussain should be relieved of his responsibility of taking care of them! The reasons were uttered in the same chilling tone of how Iraq, which can’t survive without taking aid from UN, poses the danger of destroying the whole world. The solution that is needed is again a â€Å"Regime Change†. America reasoned introduction of democracy in the country will solve the problem. Thus, despite the worldwide protests that marked the growing contempt against America and the UN Security Council voting against a military attack, America single-handedly went about with its â€Å"war on terrorism†. After 3 years of war, a executed Saddam Hussain, uncountable civilian deaths and threats of civil war ( not to forget the daily suicide attacks by shiities), no one found alleged WMDs. Today, it has been almost accepted that the report on WMD was wrong! The flak US received for the irresponsible behavior is enormous and its image in the middle east has gone for a beating as today, many believe that US is waging war on Islam rather than Terrorists. Its belief that a regime change is the only solution that can solve the problems of the world is quite naive. It proposes the same thing when it comes to Iran. Seymour M. Hersh, in journal â€Å"Fact: Annals of national security† had mentioned his conversation with Patrick Clawson, an Iran expert who is the deputy director for research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and who has been supporter of President Bush, who clearly spoke of regime change the ultimate solution. He said, â€Å"So long as Iran has an Islamic Republic, it will have a nuclear-weapons program, at least clandestinely. The key issue is therefore, how long will the present regime last? † This archaic view that regime change or toppling of government in another country and forcing them to â€Å"democracy† has never worked in bringing the much desired goal of the war – peace. In fact, statistics have shown that the transition period from any kind of rule to democracy has always been bloody and nations become quite war-prone (Democratization and war). The most recent examples are, of course, Afghanistan and Iraq, which are facing gruesome infighting among themselves. So why is America so bent upon making a regime change in those countries? Apart from the apparent reasons of dismantling the network of terrorism, experts are of the view that it is also the question of who controls the oil in the future that has been a major driving force behind the American policy. Middle East is the home for oil throughout the world and it is the control of oil that is US after. With its fast disappearance and soaring prices (reasons partly because the war that US is waging), the control of the oil fields will definitely be beneficial for America. In fact, the one who controls oil in the future is the undisputed king. This goes in line with the policy of US for whom displaying its authority is very important as it seems to be losing the crown to the exponential growth of China. Therefore, attacking Iran is also a desperate attempt by US to reiterate that it is America that is still calling the shots. However, attacking Iran has its own dangers. The most important and the immediate is the image of US in the Islamic world. Its continuous attacks on Islamic nations has made it poised against Islam and has become quite unpopular in the Middle East. If not anything else, America through these attacks is only getting successful in inviting the wrath of the people living there. In a conversation with Seymour M Hersh, Richard Armitrage was echoing the same sentiments – â€Å"What will happen in the other Islamic countries? What ability does Iran have to reach us and touch us globally – that is, terrorism? Will Syria and Lebanon up the pressure on Israel? What does the attack do to our already diminished international standing? And what does this mean for Russia, China and the U. N Security Council? † Yet how many in Washington will consider these questions? According to Seymour, there are people out there who believe it is the way to operate! If domestic politics are reasons enough to wage war, the role of the decision maker is of paramount importance. It is the head who declares wars and in this case Bush has quite a penchant for declaring wars. It is widely believed that Bush will declare war against Iran before leaving the White house. In fact, President Bush believes that â€Å"He must do what no democrat or Republican, if elected in the future, would have the courage to do, and that saving Iran is going to be his legacy†. The personal ambition of Bush also seems to make the fear of turning Teheran in to a sea of fire in to reality. Moreover, with the failure of Iraq where they achieved instant victory but not a decisive one, Bush administration is looking out for scapegoats in a large way. Iran with its close proximity with Iraq is believed to be a supplier of arms and ammunitions to the Shiite attackers in the troubled Iraq. Those attacks are not only killing innocent Iraqis but also resulting in the death of hundreds of American troops out there. In short, it is a personal failure for Bush as a president as he forced his military in to war for no reasons. It becomes very important for him to fathom some pride and Iran seems to be a ripe case. One House member told Seymour when speaking of Bush â€Å"The most worrisome thing is that this guy has a messianic vision†. Therefore, you have President Bush waiting to bomb Iran at the slightest pretext. But how can attacking Iran solve the Iraq problem? The strategy that is being followed by the Americans is to start infighting in Iran and force it to take some irresponsible action like an up in the activities along the Iraqi border. The first response to any of American disturbance in Iran is believed to be given across the Iraq border which presently houses many American troops. The white house hopes to take advantage of that situation and make it an excuse to attack Iran. This reason is widely believed to work as the blame of first strike can always be switched to Iran and America will only be fighting for â€Å"Safeguarding† its citizens. Combining the above reasons, America declaring war on Iran seems to be a matter of time. The systemic, domestic politics and decision maker reasons a need for another war. The attack on Iran will accomplish three important factors for America. 1. America is believed to be the favorite target for the terrorists and its war on terrorism is necessary to protect itself as a nation. Moreover, this would give the image of the departing super power the much needed boost. An attack on Iran will give the masculine quality to the nation that it believes will spread â€Å"awe† across the world. 2. The second and more compelling reason for the attack is the role that domestic politics plays in this issue. Attack on Iran will bring about a regime change which will help America post â€Å"Freedom† there. This in other words means another puppet government that would act on the whims of US. This is quite beneficial as this gives it direct control over the oil fields of Iran along with Iraq’s, thanks to the WMD ghosts. So, that means with a single strike, not only do they believe that terrorism and nukes will be taken care of but also the oil fields. 3. The third reason is President Bush. His stint as President of America has mainly been marred by Wars. If in the past it was Afghanistan, now it is Iraq. Apparently, both have them have been failures as there have been no decisive victories. The victories have only been fast as is expected from a war between the super power and a starving nation. Iran war will give him the much needed boost to his image as this war can be a golden opportunity to pass the blame on Iran for the Iraq fiasco. Taking all these reasons into considerations, attack by America on Iran for possessing Nukes is quite imminent. Experts say Iran is still five to ten years away from developing any kind of weapon. However, America is bent upon going ahead with its plans. Therefore, nukes or no nukes, Iran is the golden opportunity to accomplish a lot many tasks. Nuclear disarmament is just one of the small ones.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Similarities And Differences Between Sport And Fitness Physical Education Essay

Similarities And Differences Between Sport And Fitness Physical Education Essay Throughout this essay I will identify the definition for both sport and physical education, implementing my own interpretation. I will also explain the differences and similarities between them. My research will be based largely on the affect physical activity has on school children. I aim to concentrate my research on the method of teaching PE and sports, introducing both linear and non-linear pedagogy. Finally, I will conclude with my own understanding of my findings and where I feel research should be continued in order to ensure both PE and sports is an active part of every childs life, especially after leaving school. Sport v PE Classifying the definition of sport is not as simple as it seems. Research states, an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc. ( This is true, however, there is a lot more to it that just skill and competition. Although rules are a major part of sport, making it sound more serious, it can also be fun and entertaining. Physical skill is a key advantage in playing sport, however lets not forget that most sports also require mental skill for strategic planning. The most important aspect of sport is having fun with the added bonus of maintaining a good fitness level. The term sport comes from the old French desport which means leisure. Physical Education is Training in the development of and care for the human body; stresses athletics; includes hygiene. It is a taught course taken during primary and secondary education that encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting. In the UK, Physical Education classes are compulsory in school until approximately age 16. As well as learning basic sporting skills, the curriculum also pays attention to health and fitness. My first recollection of PE at School was playing pirates in the school gym which involved running around on sporting apparatus being chased. PE is not always being taught the obvious sporting game such as football, hockey, etc. Its aim is to enhance an individuals progress through a variety of activities, which will boost their confidence level; hence my pirate game vastly improved my agility skills. As the student progresses, leaders hip skills are incorporated into the programme as well as being encouraged to be player independent in their decision-making. The most obvious similarity between sport and PE is that they both involve physical activity. Physical health benefits are gained by taking part in regular physical activity, whether that is during school hours (PE lessons), an extra-curriculum activity, or playing for a local club. Research shows that children who participate frequently in physical activity will reduce their chances of acquiring certain ailments such as diabetes and obesity, therefore improving their quality of life. However, other benefits such as affective and social are also gained. Research suggests that affective development is now evident with children. One of the main signs of this is a childs self-esteem that grows stronger when partaking in physical activity. Research show that stress, anxiety and depression, can also be significantly reduced with regular exercise. Probably the most important aspect of both sport and PE is social benefit. Whether you are playing football with a few friends or in a controlle d PE lesson, it is evident that this is a major part of a childs social learning skills. Anti-social behaviour is frowned upon and, to fit in, children tend to conform to the norm. Also, for an introvert child, communication though activity can help dramatically improve their interaction with other children outside of sports and PE and this has a knock-on affect with their affective skills also (Bailey, 2006). However, there may be implications. For example, we are assuming that pupils are enjoying the physical activity and are good at it. What if a child suffers with ability and/or may be teased by other school children for their lack of coordination? This may cause the child to become introvert and depression and anxiety could occur. Although PE has a positive effect for most, this concern needs to be considered carefully when planning PE lessons at school. However, sport is more about being competitive and winning medals and trophies. Although PE can be competitive, teachers introduce fair play; ensuring teams are equally balanced, whether that is by age, sex, and/or ability. However, in sports, the best players are selected for the clubs first team and those with less skill will be placed in a lower performing side. Sport is voluntary and the number of participants can vary from club to club, but the size of group/team can be adapted to suit the requirements of a match. However, PE is compulsory in schools and classes can be vast, this can cause problems for the teacher when applying rules and instructions, especially given that a proportion of children do not want to partake and may be unruly. Within sports there are leagues and competitions, involving officials and a fixture secretary and each club concentrates on one particular sport. However, the chosen activity for a particular PE lesson is usually decided by the teacher and can vary from lesson to lesson. This decision can also depend on the environmental conditions and equipment available to that school. For example, it is difficult for a school in the centre of London to partake in an outdoor adventure activity, as there are no local amenities to support this and some inner city schools dont have the funds to purchase expensive equipment. Linear and non-linear pedagogy The basic skills of PE are learned during a childs school years. This is normally taught using linear pedagogy, a more traditional method. Once the basics are learnt, a pupil may wish to expand on this skill and join a particular sport they excel in. This is where further, more advanced coaching, takes place and in my experience, a more non-linear pedagogy approach is implemented. Linear pedagogy is teacher centred, instructional, technique-based and practiced method. This style is more advantageous in schools than clubs, where, due to enormous class sizes, it is easier for the teacher to maintain control of the class. However, there are problems with this approach. For example, in my school-day experience, in order for skills to be learned, the teacher would use drills to demonstrate a technique and it was a luxury to play a game. This was a disappointment to my peers and me. Tactics were rarely mentioned therefore my decision-making was poor. Non-linear pedagogy leans more towards the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) way of teaching where it is player centred, involving engaging an individual in being encouraged to think for themselves in both tactical and technical aspects (Thorpe and Bunker 1989). Its major advantage it that it is designed to guide players to become independent in their decision-making. For example, a typical training session may involve a short modified game to identify the teams failings. Drill sessions would then take place to strengthen these weaknesses. After the drills, another game would be played to implement the new skill, using their own thoughts. The coach encourages player independence by applying strategies to match an individual players game, therefore improving their decision-making throughout a game (Light, 2006). The main problem with linear pedagogy is that it can be strict and disciplined, almost military style, therefore enjoyment, which should be a major factor, is low on the list of achievements and participating in both PE and sport should definitely achieve this. Lessons become predictable and children tend to pay less attention due to boredom, therefore not much learning will take place. Also, too much structure wont allow those with less ability to achieve the aimed outcome and, instead, may become stressed at their inability to master the skill. This could also damage their confidence. By not allowing children to think for themselves, it reduces their scope of learning and their tactical skills will be limited. Non-linear pedagogy is not without its faults. At school level, it may lack adequate theoretical teaching from a motors learning perspective. Receiving little instruction from the teacher can result in the child not being able to make the correct decision. It is very difficult to measure whether or not the children are learning anything and it can look a lot like chaos (Mack, et al, 2000). Conclusion Taking into consideration the research and my own interpretation, it is encouraging to see that both PE and sports has a positive affect on majority of children. However, my findings highlight the need for schools to reconsider their method of teaching PE. Other less traditional styles should be implemented to enhance the enjoyment of the lesson, which may encourage children to continue their interest in extra-curriculum sporting activities and perhaps join sporting clubs upon leaving school. This will then increase the number of potential elite athletes. Further research needs to be undertaken to investigate the effects of social behaviour in children. For example, how does participating in PE and sports help reduce crime rate? What can the government do to ensure people from deprived areas are given more opportunities to partake in sport? Overall, any type of physical activity should be a part of everyones lifestyle. Although playing sport is more of an individual choice, it is vital that PE remains a compulsory part of the curriculum at schools as this is the grass roots encouragement they require to continue in their enjoyment and progress to playing sport after leaving school. Reference list: Ones I have not used yet:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Biblical Character in the Life of Barnabas Essay -- Religion, The Book

As we first meet Joses, in the book of Acts, we learn much about his person. Joses, who we are told was surnamed Barnabas by the Apostles, must have spent a considerable amount of time with them, considering he had received a surname from them. Certainly, even in the free for all social climates that we have in society today, one would not deliberately call someone Fred when his given name was Lawrence unless their be great affection among these acquaintances. Most likely, because Barnabas was a Levite, he may have had previous interactions with the other apostles and through these interactions; they were able to view God’s development of his character. â€Å"This was not insignificant in itself because the granting of a nickname was often seen as a sign of respect.† Strong’s Concordance tells us the Barnabas means exhorter. â€Å"Joses was nicknamed Barnabas, which means Son of Exhortation, evidently because of his character and ability to encourage those wh o were downhearted.† Barnabas the Levite, having no portion of inheritance in the Promised Land showed great character in that he voluntarily sold land that he had acquired on the Island of Cyprus, which is in a region of the Mediterranean Sea. â€Å"Wherefore Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren; the LORD is his inheritance, according as the LORD thy God promised him.† (Deut. 10:9) â€Å"The believers were unified not only spiritually (one in heart and mind) but also materially. Their selling of their goods was voluntary and the distribution was according to need.† Barnabas may have been a man of considerable financial means, as he did own land. Biblical character is apparent in him as he makes the arduous journey to Cyprus, completes the task of selling the land, and trav... ...le having divested much time having poured out their souls for the workings of spiritual things. What man, having disdain and hatred for another brother would be concerned for his physical well-being? Alas, any Christian would be better disposed to believe that this beloved brother, Barnabas, exhibited great biblical character by maintaining his charity towards his brother Paul. â€Å"Though we change our colleagues, we do not change our principal president.† Later, In Galatians 2 we see Barnabas and Paul once again reunited and laboring together in the battlefield, which is the fight for souls. They, having set aside their differences and having influenced many lives while winning multitudes of lost souls to Christ, carry on their unspoken biblical character. Yes, biblical character must be unspoken that it suffer not to be tainted and be truly revealed as pride.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Theme of Epiphany in James Joyces Ulysses Essay -- Joyce Ulysses Essa

The Theme of Epiphany in Ulysses  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      James Joyce's Ulysses is a novel of epic proportions that has been proclaimed the greatest piece of literature of the twentieth century. Ulysses takes place in Dublin, Ireland on June 16, 1904. The book is full of parallels, metaphors, and experimental literary techniques. However, a dominant theme is that of epiphany. Not necessarily religious in meaning, the Joycean idea of epiphany is a sudden discovery of the essential nature or meaning of something. In Ulysses, Joyce describes the pursuits of two main protagonists, Leopold Bloom and Stephen Dedalus, both individuals yearning for something more. As the day progresses the two characters unknowingly cross paths until, as a result of their day, they finally meet. In doing so, they find in each other humanistic ideals, in the form of individual epiphanies, that are needed to complete their yearnings. Joyce uses these epiphanies to represent his theme of the ability of a single day to act as a microcosm of the many facets of human society. Stephen Dedalus is first introduced in a tower in Sandycove that he is renting and sharing with "friend" Buck Mulligan. While going about their morning routines it becomes evident that Stephen is upset, with Mulligan and the situation, and after a conversation filled with mockery and annoyance, Stephen vows not to return to the tower that night. Stephen, now homeless, takes to the street hoping to find solace in the city. Stephen is recently back in Dublin from a self-exile in Paris. He has completed his bachelor degree and is very educated, especially in language and the humanities. However, as he has grown in learning and experience, he is still lacking essential characteristics ... ...shows not just Stephen has grown that day. By showing in full the transpiring of one single day and the effect it has on two distinct yet dynamic character, James Joyce has made Ulysses a book about the success of humanity. It is hard to believe that a novel that has had such a battle with censors due to its "obscenity" can portray society in a moral, positive manner. But in the less than 24 hours of action, almost 800 pages of language, can be found many things. One is the struggle of the family, shown through Stephen (son), Bloom (father), and Molly (mother). More importantly is the power of one day, with its events and epiphanies, and the fact that that day could be any day or every day. Bibliography Joyce, James. Ulysses. Modern Library Edition, 1934. Tindall, William York. A Reader's Guide to James Joyce. Syracuse University Press Edition, 1959

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is Flag Burning protected under the First Amendment? :: Persuasive, Exemplification Essay

Is Flag Burning protected under the First Amendment?          There is a proposed amendment to make flag burning illegal. Congress tried to pass the Flag Protection Act of 1989, but the act failed because it is seen as a form of public protection.   There have been other attempts to pass legislation to protect the American flag but all of the attempts have failed so far.    Flag burning is very controversial because people have different definitions of what â€Å"freedom of speech† means and what our flag stands for. This essay explores these definitions from the proponent’s viewpoint for a law protecting the flag and the opponents view point against such a law. The most debated question being asked at this time is:   is flag burning protected under the First Amendment guaranteeing the freedom of speech? It all depends on how a person defines the flag and interprets the First Amendment.    In order to help answer this question let’s being by defining what a flag is. The proponents (veterans, Citizens Flag Alliance, and other organizations of this type) of the amendment for protection of the flag define the flag as a â€Å"cultural artifact with meaning significance, and usage determined by the particular system employing it (Guenter 18).† Some flag historians have recognized the impact of culture on the shifting significance and usage of the national banner, although no one has ventured a full-scale probe of the subject (Guenter 16). The flag in the beginning was a symbol of freedom and enlightenment. The flag design has even changed. The very first flag contained thirteen stars that were in a circle with the red and white stripes. As the nation grew so did the flag, until the flag became what we know of it today.    The proponents also feel that, the flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever ( It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkin or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard ( Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform (      However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations.

Catastrophe Model of Construction Dispute Negotiation Behavior

The construction industry is apparently one of the major sectors of Hong Kong construction economy, and as Kenneth and Sai (2006) noted, buildings, the result of construction industry’s activities, are part of the built environment in which several human activities occur.As a result of the heavy reliance on team work and collaboration, construction activities are often prone to conflict, although it is apparent that this could also be obtainable in other organizational settings. Infact, these authors opine that the traditional construction contracting methods in several countries creates adversarial tendencies in the project team, which tend to foster conflict and thus conflicting behaviors in construction activities.It is a known fact that one of the primary indicators of construction success is the timely completion and delivery of the project. However, for any construction project to be completed and delivered as scheduled, a cooperative working environment is vital.In this light, Harmon (2003) suggested that the characteristic adversarial relationship and lack of a cooperative environment of construction organizational settings constitute one of the major factors that affect timely completion of construction projects.Because of the apparent importance of conflict management in construction, as well as in some other organizational settings, several scholarly works exist on conflict, conflict behaviors and conflict management. The term conflict has been severally defined, from different perspectives, even within construction literatures, as a result, several different understandings of conflict behaviors, and by extension conflict management styles, have been proffered.Kenneth and Sai (2006) argued, however, that the numerous construction literatures on conflict have essentially focused on conflict causes, prevention and management within a contractual and/or legal context. They suggested that equal importance should be accorded the human factors invol ved in conflicts, since according to them, conflicts is ‘stemmed and handled’ by the people involved, thus the role played by human factors, especially behavior, should be considered an integral part of conflict management.It is this call that this paper intends to heed. This paper intends to look at construction conflict from the behavioral perspectives using Rene Thom's Catastrophe Theory.   It has been suggested that continuous changes in human behaviors often display a discontinuous lapse.In this light, it has been argued that the catastrophe theory provides a ‘grounded approach for modeling conflict behavior in construction’ (Kenneth and Sai, 2006 p.439). This paper emphasizes the human factor in conflict by examining behaviors in response to conflict, known as conflict behavior; it then attempts to use a model of the catastrophe theory to explain construction conflict behaviors.ConflictConflict is a natural outcome of the interrelationships between individuals and groups. As a result, it is a very common and general phenomenon that can hardly be conceptualized in a simple definition. The interaction between individuals and groups brings to the fore, individual differences in goals, objectives or perspectives.The tension created by these differences, when identified by the parties involved is usually the cause of conflict. Several authors have offered different definitions or concepts of what constitute conflicts (Allred, 2000), however, there is hardly any definition that completely subsumes the entirety of conflicts from both the individual or organizational context.For example, Rahim et al (2000) positing that conflict is borne out of human interactions explain that conflicts begins when one individual ‘perceives that his/her goals, attitudes, values or beliefs’ are not compatible with that of the other’s (Rahim et al., 2000 p. 9). Here conflict is defined from the context of individual relations.Examinin g conflict from an organization context, Roloff (1987) argue that conflict begins when members of a team/organization engage in activities that are considered incompatible with those of colleagues within â€Å"their network, members of other collectivities, or unaffiliated individuals who utilize the services or products of the organization† (Roloff, 1987 p.496 quoted in Rahim, 2002).

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Rise of African-Americans from 1865 to 2012

Running Head: The Rise of African- Americans From 1865 To 2012, Their Struggles To Become Free Americans THE RISE OF AFRICAN-AMERICANS FROM 1865 TO 2012, THEIR STRUGGLES TO BECOME FREE AMERICANS Brenda Maynard HIS204: American History Since 1865 (GSN1241A) Instructor: Tracy Samperio Ashford University October29, 2012 The Rise of African- Americans The Rise of African- Americans From 1865 To 2012, Their Struggles To Become Free AmericansAfter the Civil War African-American expected to have their freedom, but this was not really the case. Even though the approval of the 13th Amendment freed them from their Southern masters, they were still far from being free. The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution provides that â€Å"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction† (ourdocuments. gov).After surviving some of the most brutal injustices and dehumanization in American history, the African-American people have grown to be a powerful force, overcoming segregation, discrimination and isolation, and have worked toward the equality and civil rights they now enjoy. Before the Civil War, African-Americans had dreams of freedom. After the Civil War they thought those dreams would come true. But in reality things got worse for them. The 14th Amendment secured equal rights, citizenship, due process of law, and equal protections to all former slaves. Blacks had gained control of their own destiny.Now they needed a way to support themselves. But this was no easy task, jobs for colored people were hard to find and discrimination and segregation was high. Nothing showed this more clearly than the â€Å"Jim Crow† laws. Beginning in the 1880s, the term â€Å"Jim Crow† was widely used to describe practices, laws or institutions that arose from the physical separation of white and black peopl e. These laws were created to offer â€Å"separate but equal† treatment of blacks and whites. In reality Jim Crow Laws condemned black citizens to unfair treatment and substandard facilities.Public facilities such as hotels and restaurants as well as schools were all under Jim Crow Laws. In Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) the â€Å"separate but equal† standard set by the Supreme Court gave ample judicial support to segregation. In 1892, Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for blacks. He was The Rise of African- Americans Immediately arrested. This case went to the Supreme Court, where it was deemed to be that a state law that proposed that a legal distinction regarding the two races was not inconsistent with the 13th Amendment. Because of these Jim Crow Laws African-Americans was subjected too much segregation and discrimination.In order to keep them under subjection and â€Å"prevent political rebellion and prevent blacks from wielding the balance of power in close electi ons, southern Democrats appealed to white solidarity to defeat the Populists, whipped up anti-Negro sentiment, disfranchised African Americans, and imposed strict by law segregation† (Lawson, no date). The Populists was a third-party uprising that threatened the Democratic rule over the South. To make life harder for blacks nearly all southern black men lost their right to vote through measures such as poll taxes, grandfather clauses, literacy tests, and the white primary.All of these measures were aimed at preventing blacks from exercising their right to vote. The grandfather clause was peculiarly aimed at blacks because it stated that anyone having the right to vote before 1866 or 1867 or their lineal descendants would be exempt from educational, property, or tax requirements. Since former slaves did not get the right to vote until the 15th amendment was passed, this clause excluded them. The U. S. Supreme Court declared the grandfather clauses unconstitutional in 1915, beca use they violated the equal voting rights guaranteed by the Fifteenth Amendment.While the southern states were very anti-negro, the northern states were a little more lenient. Most northern white people and black people lived in different neighborhoods and attended different schools. This segregation resulted from African Americans resided in distinctive neighborhoods, because of low incomes well as wanting to live near other African Americans. It also caused them to be isolated within the cities and towns they lived in. Many blacks separated themselves not as a matter of choice or custom. Landlords were not fond of renting to black people and often The Rise of African- Americans urned them away. Realtors directed blacks away from white neighborhoods. Often municipal ordinances kept blacks out of white areas. Blacks were prevented from moving freely from town to town. They also could not be caught out at night without an explicit reason. Organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan, The W hite Brotherhood, the Red Shirts, and Knights of the White Camelia generated fear and oppression within the black community. â€Å"Klan members burned black homes, schools and churches as a reminder that blacks should not challenge white supremacy (POWELL, 2008, Mar 09).These organizations prevented Blacks from voting. Because state laws made it illegal for Blacks to own gun, blacks had no way to defend themselves. Klan members tended gang up on their victims. Because of the Ku Klux Klan and others like them, African Americans feared for their lives on a daily bases. In 1871 Congress passed the Force Bill, giving the federal government the power to prosecute the Klan. Because of local law enforcement, very few Klansmen were punished. This type of harassment did not end with World War I or World War II. Many African Americans moved to cities work in defense industries.They often faced violence and discrimination. The president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, A. Philip Ra ndolph, and other black leaders, met with Eleanor Roosevelt and members of the President’s cabinet to put a stop to the harassment. After this meeting Roosevelt responded to the black leaders and issued Executive Order 8802, which declared, â€Å"There shall be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries and in Government, because of race, creed, color, or national origin† (ourdocuments. gov). Approximately 1 million African Americans served in World War II.Here again segregation, discrimination and isolation was the normal procedure. Most of the African Americans who went to war were isolated from the white soldiers. â€Å"Many blacks were assigned to work in areas of manual labor. While a minority was put in combat situations, they were poorly trained and underequipped to fight† (Bowles, 2011). The The Rise of African- Americans Black soldiers were placed in separate units under a white leader. Many African Americans used the war as a means to make a stand for their civil rights. On Feb. 1, 1946 Connecticut Gov.Raymond Baldwin said, â€Å"In this war, as in others, enemy bullets did not single out any certain race or faith. Neither was the suffering of any man diminished because he was of one particular race or faith† (COCKERHAM & Courant, 1992, Sep 28). But World War II did, in fact, change the way African Americans were treated, although it would that many more years for new laws to stop the segregation, discrimination and isolation of blacks. There were many African Americans who worked hard to end their isolation through legislation, protest, and contributions to society. Booker T. Washington was one of these men.Mr. Washington was an ex-slave. He believed black men could achieve a middle class status by getting an education. He worked to increase black colleges that were built during the Reconstruction. He established the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. But Washington was a conservative. â€Å"His phi losophy was conservative because he advocated career paths that led African Americans to agricultural and industrial trades, while at the same time he urged them to adopt white, middle-class standards to overcome racism† (Bowles, 2011). Another African Americans who help pave the way to freedom for Blacks was W. E. B. Du Bois.Du Bois was Harvard’s first black PhD. â€Å"In 1903, he published â€Å"The Souls of Black Folk†, in which he openly criticized Washington’s encouragement of segregation and plan of emulating middle-class white society† (Bowles, 2011). Du Bois believed African Americans should fight for their civil rights and not wait for someone else to do it for them. He also believed that a â€Å"talented tenth† of Blacks needed to get an education and seek the highest professions available. Du Bois felt this was the only way blacks could overcome the segregation, discrimination and isolation they had to live with. The Rise of Africa n- AmericansThe 1950s brought many changes to the African American people. Discrimination was still a big issue. Historian Harvard Sitkoff wrote, â€Å"Nourished by anger, revolutions are born of hope† (Bowles, 2011). Anger and hope often do not mix but, for Blacks in America in the 50s and 60s that is exactly what happen. In the Plessy v. Ferguson case (1896) the Supreme Court ruled that â€Å"separate but equal† was constitutional. Oliver Brown contested this ruling saying it was unlawful for his daughter to have to walk a number of miles to attend an all-black school when an all-white school was only three blocks away.During this time the Supreme Court had many discrimination cases to rule on, they were all rolled into one case, the Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. In 1954 the Supreme Court made a ruling on the Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. In this ruling the High Court said â€Å"We conclude that in the field of public educat ion the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal† (Bowles, 2011). At first this seemed like a huge step forward for African Americans, and it was, but there were many draw backs too.The idea of intergraded schools did not go well with some people. Orval Faubus, the governor of Arkansas refused to follow the Supreme Court Order to allow Black students into an all-white school. Governor Faubus had a sign posted that stated; â€Å"Governor Faubus has placed this school off limits to Negroes†. After this sign appeared President Eisenhower sent 1,000 paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock to ensure that the Little Rock Nine (the first nine black students in the all-white high school) were allowed to attend Central High School.These nine students faced many frustrations, isolation, and actual danger both inside and outside of Central High School. â€Å"Despite the efforts of hardc ore, local segregationists and Faubus’ dramatic decision to close the city’s schools during the 1958-59 school year, three members of the Little Rock Nine went on to graduate from Central† The Rise of African- Americans (Wallach, 2004). The hardship these nine students faced was to continue for the African American population. The 60s brought about more racial tension as Black people stood their ground against discrimination and segregation.Often the people that made the biggest change were little known. Rosa Parks was one of these people. Mrs. Parks became a legend to the Black community when she refused to give her seat to a white man. â€Å"Through a single, small act of civil disobedience, Parks became a catalyst for a campaign that would change the nation for the better† (Barlow, 2005). This move sparked the famous Montgomery bus boycott that was organized by another soon to be famous person, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Kings involvement in the Civil Rights Movement made him an icon. King idea was to make a statement using a non-violent approach. Following closely with the nonviolent philosophy of Gandhi (the leader of India during its movement for independence; he was assassinated in 1948), King and the Southern Black Church assumed the mantle of civil rights leadership† (Bowles, 2011). Sit-ins were often the choice of non-violent protest, though many Blacks were attacked by white people and many were arrested, the sit-ins went a long way in advancing the civil right cause. In 1968 Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. He had planned to support the striking sanitation workers in Memphis.His last words leave a haunting memory, â€Å"I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the Promised Land† (Bowles, 2011). The sit-ins were not the only method use to move the civil rights cause ahead, there were the Freedom Rides. The Freedom Rides were forme d by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). The idea behind the freedom rides was to draw attention to the Boynton v. Virginia (1946), which stated that segregation in interstate vehicles was unconstitutional. The Rise of African- Americans Our intention,† he said, â€Å"was to provoke the southern authorities into arresting us and thereby prod the Justice Department into enforcing the law of the land† (Bowles, 2011). These Freedom Riders were met with much resistance. At one point a bomb was thrown into the bus, everyone escaped, but many were hurt and bleeding. Ambulance drivers refused to that the hurt black people to the hospital. The local police made no arrest in the bombing. Like the sit-ins the Freedom Riders gain attention for the Civil Rights Movement. African- Americans moved one step closer to freedom.Indifference began to creep into the minds of many former activists so the Seventies brought a mixtur e of results for the Civil Rights movement. During the 70s African- Americans saw a number of improvements especially in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1972, Andrew Young was elected to the 5th District House of Representatives. He was the first African-American to hold office since the Reconstruction. 1973 Atlanta saw its first Black Mayor when Maynard Jackson, Jr. was elected. These victories were hard won. By the 70s most of the Black Power and Civil Rights Movements had declined or just fallen apart.The growth of rights for African Americans progressed slowly from 1980 to 2011. Civil conflicts persisted on a more silent note during the 1990s as educated African Americans were admitted into the middle class. As African Americans moved from universities and colleges into the upper social classes, there were accusations by other African Americans that, they were forgetting their heritage and they were abandoning the civil rights cause. Those being accused of this included former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.Many of these African Americans worked persistently for civil rights for African Americans. In 2008, America saw its first black President, Barack Obama. â€Å"African Americans saw a chance to overcome centuries of injustice with a new voice in the White House and a compelling representation of multicultural America† (Bowles, 2011). President Obama promised to withdraw troops from The Rise of African- Americans Afghanistan while continuing the fight. Obama also promised the American people universal health care. In Obamas acceptance speech he said: â€Å"If there s anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy; tonight is your answer . . . because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America† Althou gh many people were disappointed that these promises have not been upheld in the Obama administration, he was elected to four more years as President of the United States of America, on November 6, 2012.After the Civil War the only thing that really changed for the African American people was the fact that they had no â€Å"master†. Segregation, discrimination and isolation were a way of life. Set free by the 13th amendment, with citizenship guaranteed by the 14th amendment, black males were given the right to vote by the 15th amendment. Although blacks were given the right to vote, organizations like the Ku Klux Klan saw to it that they did not vote by harassing, threating, burning and killing them.During both World Wars African American people was subjected to segregation, discrimination and isolation. â€Å"Though many deserved it, no African American could receive the Medal of Honor, the highest military award for bravery† (Bowles, 2011). But with great Civil Right leaders like Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois, blacks started to fight for their rights even more. The road to true freedom was a long one, many years and lives were spent gaining just a small amount of justice. But it has been a road that was well worth traveling. The Rise of African- Americans References Barlow, D. (2005).The Long Journey from Montgomery to the Rotunda Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed For Quick Review, 71(4), 64-67. Available from: ERIC, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 11, 2012 Bowles, M. D. (2011) â€Å"American History 1865-Present/End of Isolation. † Bridgepoint Education, Inc. San Diego, CA. (http://content. ashford. edu) COCKERHAM, W. , & Courant, S. W. (1992, Sep 28). World War II set stage for blacks to activate civil rights efforts war set the stage for black activism conflict created jobs, but few rights WWII: Looking back. Hartford Courant Retrieved from http://search. proquest. om/docview/255302277? accountid=32521 Executiv e Order 8802 dated June 25, 1941, General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives. Retrieved from http://www. ourdocuments. gov/doc. php? flash=true&doc=72 Lawson, Steven F (no date) â€Å"Segregation† Freedom’s Story TeacherServe © National Humanities Center Oct. 28, 2012 http://nationalhumanitiescenter. org/tserve/freedom/1865 1917/essays/segregation. htm POWELL, J. (2008, Mar 09). Web extra: Was the civil war a terrible mistake? Valley Morning Star Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/429936971? ccountid=32521 The House Joint Resolution proposing the 13th amendment to the Constitution, January 31, 1865; Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1789-1999; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives. Retrieved from www. ourdocuments. gov/doc. php? flash=true&doc=40 Wallach, J. (2004). Inside Occupied Territory: The Struggle to Integrate Little Rock’s Central High Scho ol. Conference Papers — Association For The Study Of African American Life & History, N. PAG. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed November 11, 2012).